Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mass Media Violation Sociology Essay Sample

Mass Media Violation Sociology Essay Sample Violence in Mass Media Sociology Essay Sample Violence in Mass Media Sociology Essay Sample Currently observed increase in the number of crimes related to violence, especially among children and adolescents, makes people think about what social conditions lead to this. Perhaps, such values as individualism and materialism in society contribute to the increase in violence. Alternatively, the reason is the increasingly widening gap between the power of wealth and poverty of powerlessness. Another variant is that stalking savoring of violence in mass culture leads to this result. The latter assumption arises from the surge of physical violence coincided with an increase of bloody scenes in the media, especially on the TV. Television Violence Nowadays, the television broadcast a great variety of different programs, commercials, movies, and they abound in violence and sex. Currently, it is the main â€Å"food† of the audience. Many scientists and researchers in the field of press and mass communications has sounded the alarm about the fact that terror without the television does not make sense, and violence on the screen should be restricted by law (Ardis, Centerwall, and Huesmann). This work is devoted to the television broadcasting in order to clarify an overall assessment of morality on television, as well as urge to act, in particular, regulating broadcast of the television programs and films containing scenes of violence, sex and profanity. An informational impact of the media on the audience as a scientific problem was delivered in the first half of the twentieth century (Ardis 37). With the advent of television, which is a mass, powerful and extremely effective tool for the formation of attitude to the world among the audience, interest in this issue has reached a new level. One of the central themes of this kind of research was medial violence and its role in the transformation of people’s ideas about real life. However, in case one summarizes an overview of the known approaches to the study of the medial effects, their excessive diversity and inconsistency that sometimes reaches to diametrically opposed assessments strikes. For example, the theory of stimulation and social learning theory are the basis for the growing accusations against the TV (Bandura 13). Supporters of the accusatory position say about notorious justification of violence through its medial presentation and the desensitizing effect of such scenes on the minds of teenagers, etc. Remarkably, it is surprising how the today youth manage to remain tolerant and not violent receiving such unreasonably large charge of negative emotions daily. After all, if their behavior really depended on the television broadcast only, the criminal actions would be counted in thousands; the reality would be closer to the virtual reflection. Against the background of the debate about the phenomenon of violence, similar pattern is unlikely to provide a good material for a methodological problem solving related to television consumption. On the other hand, the opponents of strict legislative and administrative measures restricting the display of violence on television believe that â€Å"cinematic† acts only on marginalized groups that are originally inclined to inappropriate behavior (Centerwall 16). Here, one can use the concepts by S. Feshbach that despite their criticism, continue to serve as a good support for this kind of ideology (Feshbach and Tangney 387). Scientists explain their lack of aggression after continuous reception of programs containing violence by the phenomenon of â€Å"replacement† of aggression, which leads to the inhibition of negative manifestations of personality or to increased control over them. These radical differences are very characteristic. Television is seen either isolated from a variety of other factors affecting the real state of affairs, or its role is leveled to the level of minor sources of impact on the psycho-emotional state of a person. Linear, deliberately biased assessment of the role of the television creates an ideal field for the various manipulative practices including those in the scientific world. In addition, one does not take into account the important point: in any historical and social era, the phenomenon of violence is seen, above all, emotionally i.e. at a level beyond logic; hence, its reception is to be influenced by the expressive-communicative and aesthetic factors that are understandable and accessible to the general public at any given time. One of these especially powerful forces is the television culture, as well as the cinema had recently had dominant intellectual influence while earlier, it was the tabloid press. For this reason, in one era, unhurried events that took place on the silver screen were seen as a catalyst of violence. With the development of communication technologies, cinema was replaced with endlessly designed TV and computer characters and amazing monsters. Studies of cinematography held in different countries in the early twentieth century (Ardis and Centerwall) gave similar results: very naive and even chaste movies according to the modern standards provided at the time of their appearance marked â€Å"criminalizing impact† on teenagers. At that time, information chaos did not overwhelm the society, it has not yet been confused by a variety of â€Å"evidence-based† concepts, and things could have been called by their names. Numerous studies confirm the already expressed thesis that the current generation of teenagers perceive in the course of growing a huge number of scenes of murders, violence and cruelty, numerable in tens of thousands by means of the TV watching. Since each of these scenes is made truthfully because it certainly tends to attract the viewer’s attention, there is a feeling of total pseudoreality pressure on the consciousness and the surrounding world. The conductor of this increased aggression is the TV. It is not surprising that scientists distinguish a group of people who are not only entirely dependent on media products but also turned into real TV-addicts. Fear of violence pouring from the TV screens makes them think that the same thing is happening outside the windows of their apartments although in reality, there is nothing of the kind: the number of victims and disasters is disproportionately lower (research shows that during the day, the viewer gets over a hundred of sce nes of murders and violence acts with blood) (Coyne 207). Informational violence is not only inevitable but even necessary emotional background, which is spread to all spheres of life. It is the â€Å"new† social quality of the information correlated with phisiologism and human need to be prepared for physical threats from the outside, i.e. with the qualities that a person has acquired in ontogenesis as an individual, not as a person. In Europe, they began to raise the alarm years ago. However, the results are not very impressive. For example, in Germany, the Commission on Violence allocates special role to the media (Grossman and DeGaetano 137). Some of the results of the Commission are of interest not only for Germany: the shift of emphasis in research from the information technology to the perceiving consciousness clearly signals the transition to a new post informational stage. The media play an increasingly important role, which was previously imposed as a duty to schools, churches and families, and have an impact on the values, goals and styles of relationships in society. Television has become â€Å"the main tool to consciousness industry.† The media promote the adoption of social clichà ©, â€Å"enemy images† through â€Å"simplified and yet inevitably falsified image of reality† (Hopf, Huber, and Weiß 79). Clichà ©d representations are very dangerous because based on them, for example, a simple opponent is directly identified with the enemy. However, to be more precise, one should say that this is not just a clichà ©; it is a repetition of certain stereotypes that have become a resistant concept, but simplified, primitive and, therefore, distorted clichà ©s distorted the picture of the world presented by the media as a reality. The participation of people in public life in such circumstances becomes insignificant: a departure from the community and social disintegration contribute to the development of deviant attitudes and crime in a variety of its manifestations. Television methodically and inevitably creates a grim picture of the reality. The reason for this is the fact that relevant for the TV information is often aggressive and destructive: sensationalism sought by the media can lead to the formation of negative perceptions of the world. Allocation of social and environmental disasters, as well as political and economic scandals, led to the fact that a large part of the audience has a â€Å"mood of the deadline.† The image of violence as a kind of inevitable givens and, as a consequence, the legitimation of violence in the media is of particular importance in promotion of various forms of crime including elements of violence. The image of violence is a verbal and/or optical presentation of physical and mental violence. According to the findings of researchers, deliberate understatement of the social role, the attack on the dignity and identity of the individual and social groups in the television programs in fact justify violence (Huesmann S10). This is especially true for women whose dignity and honor are humiliated by pornographic pictures. The image of violence has a significant share in all TV programs, but recipients are regularly denied in the analysis of its causes. Violence is justified simply by force; it is idealized and appears on the screen in the form of an incoherent action. Violence scenes are directly imprinted in people’s minds because the information offered by these pictures does not encourage speculation. It is an indicative situation: the media and primarily the TV use the information as a mechanical pulse â€Å"catching† the reflexes. The audience subject to the rules of laid down ethical model master these stimuli by producing appropriate social responses to them. The result is the coexistence of two opposing worlds: the world of electronic and technical medial information (journalists and peace mediators) and socially conditioned world of cultural and ethical expectations (the world of the audience). Social information distorted by technical causality of medial language leads to disastrous consequences. It is also appropriate to emphasize that violence is not the only flaw of sophisticated suggestion that customers face (the more developed the country, the more channels of influence there are). The results of this situation, which has already become a familiar and seemingly justified, are as follows. The apparent successive aggressive model gradually changes attitudes towards violence, which leads to the trivialization of violence; violence can be understood as a practical means of solving the problem as â€Å"legitimate, normal situation† and as a valid way of conflicts solving. The television interpretation of reality changes people’s ideas about it, and even their relationship. Violence on the television can be understood as the motivation for violent behavior. In some cases, the television attention becomes a direct incentive to the offender, an occasion to get â€Å"on the scene† to become glorified. For example, one-sided presentation of the report on the escalation of violence at the time of aggressive demonstrations or during large sporting events can create the effect of self-fulfilling prophecy that will actualize expectations aimed at aggression and provoke a departure from the reasonable limits of â€Å"peaceful† visitors and, of course, the participants that are pre-configured to violence. The internal logic of the media, their method of operation, selectivity of their attention and the choice messages are in constant conflict with duties of chronicler, values, and orientation of messages. Quite often, the topic of violence is being developed; sometimes it occurs on the basis of sympathy for executing violence. The television appeared in an ambiguous position. The violence is an integral part of society’s existence. To mix violent scenes means to create an incomplete picture of the world. On the other hand, emphasizing violence and aggression can lead and leads to its escalation. It is a kind of vicious circle that illustrates isolation and finiteness of technocratic civilization. The most important fact is that non-violent television cannot exist. Adjusting this paradox to its logical extreme, one can say that television interpretation of the world as such is an act of aggressive and violent intrusion into reality. The television is contrasted to the world; it opposes the reality, struggles with the world and wins. The Impact of Violence in Contemporary Television Programs on the Child’s Personality With the help of television, children form the â€Å"image of the world† understand the concept of good and evil, justice and friendship and other social phenomena. However, psychologists are more and more sounding the alarm about the mass addiction of children to the TV viewing. In fact, there is an expression â€Å"screen kids.† Children of preschool age spend their time near the TV screens during 2 to 6 hours a day on average. The greatest amount of time children spend in front of the TV is from 18 to 22 hours. Attention is drawn to the fact that children who do not attend kindergarten spend at the TV screens two times more than children attending preschool institutions. Therefore, they get the habit of continuous viewing of TV programs together with their parents, especially working mothers with grandmothers. The trend that preschoolers have a particular interest not only to children’s programs and animated films, but also to art and detective films and infor mation programs addressed to an adult audience became apparent. It is noteworthy that naturalistic display of violence takes place implying a detailed screening of victims, of bloody corpses, bloody fights, severed heads, kidnappings and suchlike. The level of danger that a TV presents to a child is debatable: Firstly, it must be said about the special sensibility and ability of the child’s mind to suggest. Film on the TV affect a person in many ways at the unconscious level. Only a part of the information that is perceived by a child affects the consciousness. The images, sounds, signs and symbols have an inspiring impact. For example, the thunder, the sounds of falling rocks, howling blizzards, among others cause such emotions as fear or a sense of horror. In addition to the clear demonstration of violence, cinema actively uses implicit violence. For example, a train oncoming at the viewer makes the child fear of being crushed. The scenes of murder in tightly closed room, locked doors, key in the lock on the inside, the sound of busy heart, which are not realized by the audience all these contribute to the development of feelings of anxiety and constant danger. In order to defend against these unpleasant emotions, the child displaces them in the unconscious part of the psyche. An adult may not immediately notice any obvious changes in the behavior or response of the child. Most parents report that their children like watching detective movies or movies with elements of violence. However, those unpleasant emotions and terrible images or sounds that the child perceives from the screen are stored in the unconscious and can disturb the baby in the form of dreams, fears, increased anxiety or neurotic symptoms. Secondly, it must be said about the â€Å"habituation effect† and the contagiousness of aggressive behavior. Continuous viewing of violence blunts emotional feelings among children; they become accustomed to violence, and they form indifference to human pain. If every 15 minutes on the television screen pain or violence are broadcast, after a while, the child perceives it as a norm. He forms the standard of emotional response. It can be assumed that the lack of spirituality and the special cruelty of the contemporary adolescents are strongly associated with emotional, moral and ethical standards, which have been formed by their society, and especially the TV. Psychological studies have shown that if a preschool child is exposed to video-related violence in a laboratory, he/she immediately afterwards starts to behave aggressively (Grossman and DeGaetano 200). to the reason for this is the fact that children tend to imitate the behavior that has received positive reinforcement. For example, an aggressive cartoon character is the winner, and nobody condemns him. According to psychologists, a certain way of understanding the aggression develops during the screen fights in young viewers; thus, a certain script of actions creates, which is not recognized by the child (Grossman, and DeGaetano 215). However, when faced with difficulties in relationships with people, the child remembers the scenario of aggressive behavior, which he/she constantly sees on the screen, this script tells him the likely course of action. Thirdly, it is important to mention â€Å"romanticizing† of villains in feature films that children watch with their parents’ affrays. Romanticizing of the negative lifestyle leads to the formation of the corresponding moral behavior patterns. Sometimes, parents feel that the child perceives the film as an adult does. However, it is not true. The child does not understand the metaphors and cannot properly understand the events on the screen since thinking of a preschool child is visual-efficient and visually-shaped. He/she catches the main line of the plot and the concrete behavior. Fourthly, it should be noted that the modern television does not support the mental development of children. The share of developmental programs in television is from 1.5% to 3% of broadcast time. One should compare it with advertising that takes 23% of the television time (Grossman and DeGaetano 76). A child who watches a cartoon or a movie is identified with its heroes. The process of identifying with real or imaginary models and carriers of moral rules is imperative. Therefore, it is very important what TV program the child watches. A modern person does not live only in the external material world but also in the global information field. Information space surrounding the person largely determines the formation of his/her â€Å"worldview†. It is hard to imagine the life of the modern family without television. Television is a â€Å"window to the outside world†, and at a reasonable approach, it can serve as an educational and entertaining tool. Research media, particularly the television both in the USA and abroad are successfully maintained for a long time. One of the most urgent problems in the study of telecommunication is the problem of assessing and measuring the psychological aspects of human exposure to television. Television has a powerful potential to shape public opinion, the mindset of people, which, in turn, acts as an important factor in the regulation of social behavior. On-screen violence today is a form of mass entertainment. Violence, including the broadcast one, is a component of the mass consciousness. Unfortunately, in the pursuit of commercial gain, a great number of creators and distributors of films clearly alter the sense of proportion. There is much more violence in the movies than it is required by economic considerations, and inadmissibly more to be able to effectively perform the public functions of cinema. Cinema is intended to instill in people a sense of faith, love and hope. It is obvious that most of the younger generation is trapped in screen violence. Without the help of public institutions, it is impossible to solve the problem. Thus, the activation of the social forces from families and schools to government agencies is promising. Anyway, an adequate assessment of the escalation of violence on the screen should be given, and the real work to combat its spread and mass perception should be started.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

American Foreign Policy Under George Washington

American Foreign Policy Under George Washington As Americas first president, George Washington practiced a pragmatically cautious yet successful foreign policy. Taking a Neutral Stance As well as being the father of the country, Washington was also the father of early US neutrality. He understood that the United States was too young, had too little money, had too many domestic issues, and had too small a military to actively engage in a strident foreign policy. Still, Washington was no isolationist. He wanted the United States to be an integral part of the western world, but that could only happen with time, solid domestic growth, and a stable reputation abroad. Washington avoided political and military alliances, even though the US had already been the recipient of military and financial foreign aid. In 1778, during the American Revolution, the United States and France signed the Franco-American Alliance. As part of the agreement, France sent money, troops, and naval ships to North America to fight the British. Washington himself commanded a coalition force  of American and French troops at the climactic siege of Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781.​ Nevertheless, Washington declined aid to France during warfare in the 1790s. A revolution - inspired, in part, by the American Revolution - began in 1789. As France sought to export its anti-monarchical sentiments throughout Europe, it found itself at war with other nations, chiefly Great Britain. France, expecting the US would respond favorably to France, asked Washington for aid in the war. Even though France only wanted the US to engage British troops who were still garrisoned in Canada, and take on British naval ships sailing near US waters, Washington refused. Washingtons foreign policy also contributed to a rift in his own administration. The president eschewed political parties, but a party system began in his cabinet nonetheless. Federalists, the core of whom had established the federal government with the Constitution, wanted to normalize relations with Great Britain. Alexander Hamilton, Washingtons secretary of the treasury and defacto Federalist leader, championed that idea. However, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson led another faction - the Democrat-Republicans. (They called themselves simply Republicans, although that is confusing to us today.) The Democrat-Republicans championed France - since France had helped the US and was continuing its revolutionary tradition - and wanted widespread trade with that country. Jays Treaty France - and the Democrat-Republicans - grew angrier with Washington in 1794 when he appointed Supreme Court Chief Justice John Jay as a special emissary to negotiate normalized trade relations with Great Britain. The resulting Jays Treaty secured most-favored-nation trade status for the US in the British trade network, settlement of some pre-war debts, and a pull-back of British troops in the Great Lakes area. Farewell Address Perhaps Washingtons greatest contribution to US foreign policy came in his farewell address in 1796. Washington was not seeking a third term (although the Constitution did not then prevent it), and his comments were to herald his exit from public life. Washington warned against two things. The first, although it was really too late, was the destructive nature of party politics. The second was the danger of foreign alliances. He warned neither to favor one nation too highly over another and to not ally with others in foreign wars. For the next century, while the United States did not steer perfectly clear of foreign alliances and issues, it did adhere to neutrality as the major part of its foreign policy.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Primary Benefits of Telenursing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Primary Benefits of Telenursing - Assignment Example The e-health practice is applicable in various avenues such as remote monitoring and patient consultations (Kumar & Snooks, 2011). Ethics is a core concept in nursing because of the sensitivity of the practice. Almost all nursing institutions incorporate the study of ethics in their curriculum in order to enable learners to practice fairly and efficiently in the field. The ethical principals in nursing entail caring, communication and relations between the nurses and the patients. These ethical principals provide guidelines to telenurses in an ethical dilemma situation. Telenursing has various ethical dilemmas like in cases where a third party person (relative) calls the telenurse on behalf of the patient. In this case, the ethical dilemma entails a conflict between the relative’s and patient’s autonomy as well as the telenurse’s desire to help (Kumar & Snooks, 2011). In addition, telenursing has other ethical issues such as confidentiality of the information because the patients rely on different methods of communication to explain their condition. Additionally, the information provided to the nurses may lack credibility especially in situations where the patient is a minor, and they cannot comprehend their condition effectively. Ethical principles such as listening and communication abilities enable the telenurses to establish a particular condition in a patient effectively. The nurses also apply various ethical principles to resolve a situation where the interests of the concerned parties’ conflict during a telenursing process (Kumar & Snooks).

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Sources of Competitive Advantage of Rolls-Royce PLC and Tesco PLC Essay - 1

The Sources of Competitive Advantage of Rolls-Royce PLC and Tesco PLC in Harvard Style - Essay Example Traditionally, the competitive advantage business organizations can be fully identified by conducting a value chain analysis. However, recognizing the numerous changes in the businesses’ market environment, this paper will also complement value chain analysis with a method introduced by Shawn Cartwright, the value web analysis. It should be noted that this tool brings into consideration the analysis of competitive advantage of dotcoms or firms whose operations are conducted online or whose brick and mortar strategies are complemented by the online presence (Cartwright and Oliver 2000). This report will be organized as follows. The first section will take a look at the operations of Rolls-Royce Plc. A brief organizational profile will be presented together with the company’s identified core competencies. The second section will also evaluate Tesco Plc in the same manner.  This paper will conclude with a comparison and contrast of the previously identified competitive a dvantages. Rolls-Royce is currently the world’s second-largest airline engine manufacturer behind the General Electric Aviation. Aside from aero-engine, the company is also involved in other industries like defense, marine, and energy markets. The business organization traces its origin in 1971 and was founded by Henry Royce and CS Rolls. With its humble beginning, it has now ascended in the global business marketplace with its cutting edge technology and diverse product offerings. The company is not just a provider of high-quality products but also offers unmatched after sales service to its clients.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Definition Analysis on Patriotism Essay Example for Free

Definition Analysis on Patriotism Essay According to the American Heritage Dictionary, patriotism can be defined as :love and devotion to one’s country†. This seems a broad enough definition for a word that is often used by people, but seldom closely examined. One person’s practice of patriotism might be regarded as treason by another and visa-versa. In modern day America it is assumed that to be patriotic is a virtue, especially in times of national crisis. This paper will look at the uncertainty surrounding what the word actually means in reality. On 9/11/2001 the USA was attacked by terrorists and for a time afterwards it became very fashionable for people to fly American flags, to flag stickers on their cars with â€Å"we support our troops† on them. But can this really be regarded as â€Å"love† or even â€Å"devotion† to one’s country. It might be argued that it is very easy to put a sticker on one’s car: it takes a few second and then the person can forget about it. If this is what it means to be â€Å"patriotic† then it doesn’t seem to mean very much at all. Other definitions of patriotism include support for the government’s policy of the time. Thus those who supported the Vietnam war were regarded as â€Å"patriotic† (good) by the Nixon administration and those who did not were regarded as â€Å"unpatriotic† (bad). But the majority of Americans came to oppose the war, and so was the American government actually unpatriotic through going against their wishes? The question needs to be asked of what a â€Å"country† is. If a country is made up of the people who live in it, which seems a sensible definition, then it is patriotic to support what the majority of them support. This definition of patriotism will thus change with the changing opinions of the people. At one moment it may be patriotic to support a war (when the majority support it) and at another unpatriotic (when a majority are against it). If country is something more than just the group of individuals who happen to be citizens of it then patriotism can be extended even further. If a country is an idea, then the post unpopular ideas might be regarded as patriotic. Defending a country may take vision for the future. Thus environmental groups might be regarded as patriotic because they seek to preserve the American landscape for future generations. It becomes clear that the word patriotism means a myriad of different things. This is not a bad thing as it shows that there is a variety of ideas, as is necessary within a free society. Often people accuse others of being â€Å"unpatriotic† simply because they disagree with what the other person is saying. This is a bad trend within the country. It shows a very narrow point of view and definition of patriotism. What happens if an opinion changes in the course of someone’s life, as often happens? Patriotism should be defined in as wide a way as possible. It is in fact unpatriotic to suggest that other people do not love their country because they differ with you on some issues. This is especially the case in a country that prides itself on being free and democratic. Freedom depends upon the ability to accept opinions that differ from your own and to respect those people who espouse them. There are of course certain acts that in fact are unpatriotic. For example if a person decides to join army of another country in order to fight against the one he was born in then that is unpatriotic. Not caring about one’s country either way is also unpatriotic. A lot of people live within their own small worlds and do not think that their country effects them. In their day to day lives this may be true, but it is not the case when something important happens. Thus when you are attacked in a foreign country the first instinct is to contact your embassy. As your country looks after you, so you should look after you country. This may seem a difficult idea much of the time as people tend, quite naturally to be involved in their own lives. This is a good aspect of living in a free society: patriotism is not forced upon you. A person can decide to be patriotic or to be unpatriotic depending upon their point of view. Accepting that choice is a form of patriotism in itself. To conclude, patriotism is the love of country. This love may be expressed in many different ways. For one person it may be serving their country in the armed forces, for another it may be teaching children so the country’s future is assured. For another patriotism may be making sure that the country lives up to its principles even in the most difficult times. All these different people show patriotism and they should respect the different definitions of others as they would want to be respected themselves.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

War In The Falklands :: essays research papers

War in the Falklands Fact: April 2, 1982, Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands At 4:30 A.M., helicopters had started to land on Mullet Creek; they were the first of the many invaders from Argentina. At 6:08 A.M., an attack was at full fledge. The Argentina government had claimed that they told their men it was to be a bloodless fight, but that was not the case. Argentineans busted down barrack doors and began to throw powerful grenades into the barracks and killing many unsuspecting men. Fact: February 26, 1982, The war could have been prevented On February 1982, there was supposed to be a meeting where the British government would hold a meeting with the Argentinean government to talk about preventing the war. This was a two-day event in New York, the first day the Argentineans were to host the meeting, but there was a glitch in planning, and the dates were to be changed. The leaders were under so much pressure, that some said they were going to breakdown. What basically happened at the meeting, was that both sides could not come to agreement. This resulted in a war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nobody really knew who owned the Falkland Islands. Some thought Spain, Argentina thought they owned it, and Britain thought they owned it. No agreements could be made. Fact: The war of the Falklands was a perfect opportunity to unleash state of the art weapons on the opponents. Later, after the first invasions, some messages went out over the radios. The first ones told people of a small invasion, then they began broadcasting from live sights, complete with gun fire in the background.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were a lot of battles that went on between the British and the Argentineans. The British won some, and the Argentineans won others. They were all fighting for the Falklands. These were a group of small islands that were all bunched up. You could not use the islands for much, seeing as that they were craggy mountains. That would not make for very productive farm land, but there were a lot of mountain lions and goats.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the many battles, many deaths and many tests on weapons, the British had won the War in the Falklands. This war was won both in military action, and in speech. Most say to end violence in verbal communication, but verbal communication was a giant factor in the beginning of this war. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This book had a couple aspects of history, it had facts, told the reader how the British government thought, and even had some of the British speech in it. I learned how the Falklands were fought over, in the sense of military

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Unit 1 Cache Level 3 in Childcare and Education

E1/E2 – Three different types of settings which provide care and education for children in the Birmingham area Primary School A primary school is a statutory sector which is funded by the government through payment of taxes. By law, this service must be made available to young children in the UK. The targeted age of children that attend Primary school ranges from 5 to 11 years of age. A Primary school is a structured environment which helps support young children to develop and perfect basic skills needed in life; some of which are: reading, writing, and social skills.Primary School starts at 9am and ends at 3:30pm depending on a breakfast or after school clubs. Like any other organization, there is an organizational structure by which each school must have. Within a Primary School, one will find a Head Teacher, Class Teachers, Dinner Ladies, Care Takers, Cleaners, Cooks, a Chef and also Teacher Assistants whom help to keep order and maintain a class room in a Teacher’s absence. Teachers within a Primary School are obligated by law to teach from the National Curriculum which is distributed to every Primary School. The ratio of teachers to children is twenty-eight to thirty.A primary school also helps support parents and families, for example; while the parents are at work their child and/or children are at school in a safe environment whilst gaining an education parents can work and provide a better quality of life for their families. Play group A play group is a voluntary sector. A voluntary sector is a service provided by organisations such as charities where some or all of their funding come from donations the practitioners here often give their time freely but must be trained to level 3 in childcare and education or working towards it.The age range of children in a play group is two to three years old and children have to be dry throughout the day (being potty trained). Play groups are free and are two hours a day twice a week and can be done anytime throughout the day. Staffs at play groups are voluntary. All the staff at a playgroup is trained to a Level 3 in Childcare and Education and is required to have a Criminal Record Bureau Check. With the play groups, parents have to stay and allowed to help but must have a Criminal Record Bureau Check also.This setting supports families in the community if they are feeling isolated mums can socialise and chat about problems that other mums may be experiencing too. A variety of activities are done in a play group (e. g. painting, story time, colouring time) helping children with their social skills which helps them in moving into educational nursery at 3 to 4 years old. Play groups are supportive for parents because they help Moms and Dads to share problems with other people with rather similar or same experiences, have a cup of tea or just talk with other parents.Private Day Nursery A private day nursery is a private sector which is a profit making service. A private day nurse ry opens from 7am and closes at about 6:30pm parents pay a weekly or monthly fee. The age range of children in a private day nursery is three months to five years old. The staff at a private day nursery â€Å"Nursery Officers† has to be trained in Level 3 Childcare and Education. Children within a private day nursery are split into four different age ranges.Three months to five months are in Baby Room where there is allowed one staff member to three babies. Twelve months to twenty-four months are in Toddle Room, two to three years old are in Tweenies and three to five years old are in Pre-School. A private day nursery help supports parents because it is more family orientated and the setting is very much like what parents do at home with their child or children (e. g. caring, bottle feeding, changing nappies).A private nursery also supports professional parents who can afford to pay to take their child to a day nursery and don’t have to give up their work (e. g. doctor s, entrepreneurs, nurses) to start a young family. E3- Describe the main legislation in your country that supports the rights of children. There are four main Legislation that deal with children’s welfare within the Birmingham City that supports the rights of children and these Legislations are: Children Act 1989- (Partnership with parents is crucial)The Children Act 1989 introduced â€Å"parental responsibility† not just parental rights so therefore statutory services like schools and nurseries must include â€Å"Partnership with Parents† Within my setting and by the Children Act 1989 that came in to force in England and Wales in 1991 it is important for the practitioner to be in partnership with parents. This is to ensure that the needs, interest and decisions of the child comes first and are being met. Also, it is by law that parents be responsible and knows everything about their child when they are away from them or home.This can be done by having a two way relationship with parents for example parent’s evenings, this is when staff discusses children’s progress open days so parents can come in be welcomed and look around their child’s school or nursery. There can be coffee mornings, sharing information or just giving feedback to parents when they pick their child up from school at the end of the day. The welfare of the child is paramount and that is why partnership with parents is crucial.Many schools and nurseries also have bi-lingual staff for children who do not speak English fluently so that the parents are fully aware of what is going on in a school at all times this helps to meet the Equal Opportunity policy of the setting. Children Act 2004- (Stay Safe) The five outcomes of Every Child Matters are the central focus of the Children Act 2004. This Act is the amendment of the Children Act 1989 which came about because of the death of Victoria Climbie who was tortured and murdered in 2000 by her great Aunt and even though lots of professionals dealt with the case it still led to her death.The Lord Laming Inquiry made changes in schools because he felt that organisations were not working together to support young venerable children in the setting. The Children Act 2004 was made to ensure that services for children and young people worked together to make sure children are safe and their well-being is adhere to. For example one of the outcomes is â€Å"Stay Safe† in Every Child Matters and is of utmost importance. Within my setting as a practitioner you are to make sure that children within the setting are safe by following the Health and Safety policies.For example, knowing what allergies as a practitioner that a children or children may have within your setting or making sure that the right person â€Å"Parental Responsibility† picks them up from school at the end of the day. Childcare Act 2006- (Local authorities must improve the outcomes for all children under (5) five. Th ey must take the lead role to meet the needs of working parents, in particular those on low incomes and disabled children). The Childcare Act 2006 came into force from Autumn 2007. The main part of this Act is the establishment of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights.The (EYFS) Early Years Foundation Stage came out of the Childcare Act 2006. The main reasons why the Childcare Act 2006 came into force were: To ensure that local authorities improve the outcomes for children and young people under (5) five years and this must be available despite the area in which they live. This affected the curriculum taking into account children’s rights and backgrounds for example the EYFS is taken into account and reformed simplified children and early year’s regulations farceur to reduce bureaucracy and focus on raising equality.Schools made sure children were heard their cultures celebrated for example displays were bi-lingual Sure Start centres supported families that were in deprived areas whilst mum was in the setting learning English for example a child could go to the playgroup at the same time. If a mum could learn English she could gain employment and this seemed to be the idea to help and support the whole family. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child – (Enough Food and clean water for their needs) UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1991The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child grants all children and young people (aged 17 and under) a complete set of rights. This legislation was authorized on the 16th December 1991 and it came into force in the UK on 15 January 1992. This legislation ensures that the children and young people’s rights are upheld, giving them the rights to: protection and assistance, access to educational and health services, to develop their personalities and abilities to their fullest potential, live in a happy environment with love and care and understand their rights.This helps pre vent children from being miss treated, abused and neglected from their basic needs and rights, therefore providing them with the support and opportunities that each child/young person should rightfully have. Article 28 â€Å"A child’s right to education with access to equal opportunities. † So as with other children’s laws, schools must take into account culture, different religions, and language barriers so that all children regardless of their ability can be fully included in their setting. http://www. dcsf. gov. uk/everychildmatters/strategy/strategyandgovernance/uncrc/unitednationsconventionontherightsofthechild/ (accessed on)E4- Describe the recognise principles and values that underpin working with children. Two recognised principles and values that underpin working with children are: The CACHE Statements of values to reflect the early year’s sector’s standards of conduct. The CACHE values are important as they represent the professional way of how professionals and practitioner should work with children, young people and their families. A CACHE value that underpins working with children is, ‘Honour the confidentiality of information relating to the child and their family, unless its disclosure is required by law or is in the best interest of the child. It is by law that the practitioner and professionals follow and sign the Data Protection Act 1998. This is to ensure the protection of personal information and the information stored on a person must not be given out without that person saying so. Also, nor should it be kept for longer than necessary. Whatever is said within a setting stays in a setting in doing so, practitioners must be aware of the information you give out too. For example all documents are kept under lock and key in the staff office and only looked at on a â€Å"need to know† basis for example in a case where a child is at risk of abuse.Keeping the child’s information confidential is to ensure the safety of that child but also, some information for the child must be given to ensure the child’s health is not at risk for example, if that child has an allergy to certain foods or is an asthmatic this information needs to be shared with staff that deal with that child so they can support the child if they have an attack. Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) – ‘A Unique Child’ As a practitioner it is your duty and responsibility to treat each all children in the setting as individuals therefore a ‘Unique Child’.Children are all different and have different religions, backgrounds, race, and personalities and celebrate different events. The diversity of persons and communities is highly valued and respected. Neither child nor family should be discriminated against. Within many settings there are children who have Special Educational Needs (SEN) and English as an Additional Language (EAL). It is then there when you as a practitio ner to ensure that Equality and Diversity is shown. Throughout the setting and ensure that children regardless of ability enjoy a full educational life which will help them take part in society and develop as an individual.You as a practitioner must also encourage children to recognise their own unique qualities and their characteristics and share them with others. In return, this can help the setting and the children within the setting understand and accept the differences of others and respect them. Also within the schools they are to ensure that children’s needs are being met, by bringing in other professionals to help with the child. Within my setting, a speech and language therapist came in to work with one of the children within my setting because the child has dyspraxia and in doing so she comes every other week.Being the student practitioner the placement supervisor in my setting let me set one day and observe and learn about what she does with the child so that when she isn’t there I can help and work with her that the child to help them with Specific Mind imperilment, Building Language Develop and Speech Work with Vowels Sounds, using big mouth pictures and other activities. E5- (throughout) E6 – Describe three (3) professional skills that will support your work with children. Member of a team Practitioners must work as a member of a team. Practitioners who work well together make it happy, organised and easy going.Where team members work together well it is important to ensure that the individuality of children’s needs is being met. Practitioners know the procedure and routines that are to be done within the setting for example, if a staff member is ill or just feeling very poorly, other staff can easily fill in or cover for her knowing the procedures to be taken place. As a practitioner being an effective member of a team is important to make it easy going, share knowledge and information but not only that, but to show a nd set an example to children of working as a team and making a positive contribution to your setting as good role models.Communication Skills There are three types of communication verbal non-verbal and written. Practitioners speak to parents with respect no use of jargon or rudeness they may not know childcare as detailed as staff members. If there is any kind of language barriers then an interpreter will be supporting the parent as everyone must be included within the setting. Also, nonverbal communication is gestures for example a smile to greet a parent or child in the morning is important as is the Dress code wearing a uniform to look professional gives a good impression to everyone.Written communication will be in the forms of letters again these should be bi-lingual and represent all the children’s languages that attend the setting. Communication skills are also relevant to ensure that the children’s safety and security are maintained within their homes and at school. Having the skill to put the child’s needs first It is important that a child’s needs are recognised and prioritised early. Practitioners should be able to empathise with the child in order for the situation to be resolved as it provides understanding and recognition of individual needs of a child.If a child had a new baby in their family for example and their behaviour changed this could be resolved in the setting if the practitioner used play, in the role play area the child could play with the baby dolls discuss their feelings one to one with the practitioner and the practitioner could encourage the parents to help the child by asking the child to help with changing baby for example to make the child feel important and raise their self-esteem. Also an ethical issue which should be abided with at all times when working with children is confidentiality.Staff should never gossip about children in front of others information should be kept under â€Å"lock and k ey† in the setting and only available to staff on a â€Å"Need to know† basis for example if there was a concern over a child in the practitioners care. Children have many different backgrounds therefore to feel their needs are first the setting should welcome their culture, background and religion and celebrate it. A child who has their background in the setting e. g. Cultural Displays or books that are bi-lingual for children for whom English is an additional language will feel very much valued by the practitioners in the setting.Interpersonal Skills As a practitioner interpersonal skills is an everyday life skill that we are to use to interact with parents, other practitioners and other professionals. This skill not only includes communicating, but also helps with our self-confidence and the ability to listen and understand. Problem solving, making decisions and personal stress management are also deliberated as interpersonal skills. Being aware of your interpersonal skills can help you improve and develop being more perceived as calm, confident and charismatic. These qualities are often appealing to others.E7- Three Study Skills that can support you’re learning during training. Time Management As a practitioner it is essential to have good time management skills. In order to be punctual, be a positive role model, meet assignment deadlines, and prepare for an exam or to plan, one must have good time management skills. Developing time management skills is a journey and needs practice and guidance along the way. Time management skills help student practitioners to become aware of how they use their time wisely for example in organizing, prioritizing and succeeding in their studies.In the setting for example the staff need the trainee students to arrive on time so that they can set them routines or prepare the setting for the children to arrive this gives a good impression to parents, children and colleagues. Research Skills While on placem ent as a student or practitioner, it is important to have good research skills. In order to do so, you must be able to find good solution or sources needed to find any relevant information. Some sources of information are internet websites, leaflets and journals, libraries, magazines and newspapers, books and museums.By looking at these forms of information the trainee practitioner can then find out current information on childcare issues especially for assignments. Learning Styles As a practitioner and student, it is important to know that everyone processes information differently and learns individually too. It is important that you notice the way in which you learn and study. These traits are referred to as learning styles. Knowing your learning style can support you when revising or learning for tests. There are three types of learning tyles often used or talked about which are: †¢Auditory – learn by listening. †¢Kinaesthetic- learns by moving or doing †¢V isual- learns by watching As kinaesthetic learner, I process information and knowledge easily by physical sensations and communicate using body languages and gestures. I like to show people how to do something than telling them and enjoys feeling and touching things. D1 – Explain why the practitioner should develop and maintain appropriate relationships with parents and other professionals.As a practitioner maintaining appropriate relationships with parents, students and other professionals is important. One of the most relevant skills is learning how to stay professional while being friendly. Children Maintaining appropriate relationships with children is crucial often practitioners will get down to a child’s level have eye contact and are approachable. The practitioner needs to build up a close bond with the child but not take over or try to be a parent. The reasons practitioners build a relationship are to build trust and raise a child’s confidence.It is impo rtant to bond with a child so they can discuss anything that is bothering them e. g. not being able to complete work or worrying about a home situation. If the practitioner knows the child is falling behind in their work they can get support from other professionals if needs be such as a child psychologist to ensure that the child reaches their full potential. Ultimately a child needs to be happy in their setting and want to be there so the practitioner should be caring and supportive at all times. Parents Having appropriate relationships with parents is very important.The term ‘friendly but not friends’, is often used when having professional relationships with parents. â€Å"Partnership with parents† is crucial and that is why appropriate relationships are needed to meet the Every Child Matters outcomes/Children Act 2004 by law. Practitioners need to include parents so if they are worried they can discuss issues with the practitioner parents need to feel practi tioners consider their needs for example if parents wish their child to be vegetarian due to religious views the setting must make sure this is in place.Trust is important so staff follows the confidentiality policy and signs this when they start at the setting, if staff â€Å"gossip† about parents then trust would not be formed and parents would not share vital information with the practitioners. Often there are coffee mornings open days and parents at the setting who come in to support the children all must have a CRB. Other Professionals Having an appropriate relationship with other professionals is not only by law of the Children Act 2004, but to help the practitioner ensure of the safety policies for children within the setting.There are many other professionals that help to ensure that children reach their full potential which are translators, speech therapist, psychologist and much more as practitioners are not trained in every area of childcare. Other practitioners co me with a range of skills to support children with differing needs they often share skills and knowledge and are able with meetings to discuss and plan for a child with special needs not only with students but with other professionals. Tassoni etal ( 2007 pg. 1) â€Å" â€Å"With many services coming together in a multi-agency approach, it is essential that everyone working with children and their families communicates well and understands their roles and responsibilities. † Respect should be part of this relationship as both the other professional and the practitioner need to work well to meet the needs of the child. The child needs support to be fully included in a setting and their parents are supported to in a â€Å"multi-professional† approach to care.For parents and children to get the best resources and support for aids in the home benefits, or activities within the setting the relationship between the practitioners must be excellent. For example if the practit ioner is supported this will give them job satisfaction knowing they can support a child. D2 – Discuss the characteristics of working in a multi-agency team. The term ‘multi-agency’ is when if a child who attends the setting has a disability they may need support this could be numerous professionals may be involved in the supporting of children and their families.With this type of approach used as support for children and their families, there are lots of benefits. Multi agency meets the needs of and supports individual children to be fully included in their nursery or school work or to support a parent in a stressful family circumstance. Many parents may feel isolated with a child who has special needs. Tassoni etal ( 2007 pg 11) â€Å" In practice, this may mean that parents may be able to leave their children in a nursery while in the same building or nearby they attend a parenting class or take a younger baby to the health clinic. In the setting a parent can have specialist training such as learning English as an additional language while their child is at the setting in the playgroup this then gives parents the chance to seek employment with their new skills. The ‘multi-agency approach’ having another professional is useful to the practitioner in helping children reach their full potential. For example if a speech and language therapist came into the setting they would support a child and the practitioner could pick up ideas to support the child within the setting.It also helps professionals and practitioners are aware of each other’s role, in supporting families giving job satisfaction communication is important by getting regular meetings or phoning parents to attend this would help support everyone. B – Explain why it is important that practitioners understand the limits and boundaries of their role when working with young children. Two reasons why it is important that practitioners understand the limits and boundaries of their role when working with young children are: Follow Policies and ProceduresWithin my setting practitioners should follow policies and procedures to ensure the safety or children because children are vulnerable and their safety is mandatory and conforming to legislation. Not only is it law to ensure the safety of the children but of the staff as well. To ensure the safety of children the â€Å"Every Child Matters† outcomes are also necessary to ensure a child’s safety. Some Policies and Procedure that the setting should follow are; †¢Health and Safety Policy †¢Equal Opportunities Policy †¢Safeguarding PoliciesTo ensure Health and Safety within my setting, at my placement, if a child has bumped their head, the practitioner goes directly and attends to the head bump, apply a cold compress to the head bump, write the accident into the medical or accident book, send a letter home to parents letting them know that their child has had a he ad bump today and tell the child’s parent to observe the child closely for 48 hours to see if the head bump has changed or worsen. Also if the bump is serious the child must be taken to casualty immediately by a designated staff member.Also, to ensure equal opportunity in my setting and at my placement, a practitioner should not treat children like they are all the same. They should treat children as a â€Å"unique child† and individuals. Therefore the setting will support children regardless of their background ability or culture and celebrate Diversity in displays in activities for example if there is a language barrier an interpreter would be needed for the child to translate no child should be disadvantaged because of their language. Conforming to Legislation Every setting should follow all childcare legislation including policies and procedures.When every member of staff starts at the setting they need to be made aware of the codes of practice. Within the setting, there is a code of practice that is a document with professional standards that the employee should meet which are: †¢keeping confidentiality †¢Dress code †¢arriving on time †¢Health and safety e. g. washing hands –being a good role model. When I started at my setting, I had to find out about a number of policies and procedure like health and safety, equal opportunities, and safe guarding so I knew what I had to do if anything happened.At my placement, to ensure safe guarding, if anything has happened to the child that is deemed the child is at risk, the safe guarding person should be contacted immediately. Also, for persons coming within my setting to work with children they should have a CRB Check, doors codes and most importantly practitioners should know who picks a child up at the end of the day for example who has â€Å"Parental Responsibility† Children Act 1989 /2004. Schools should know which parent has parental rights or parental responsib ility to ensure the child’s safety.If someone else is picking up a child the parents must inform the setting of this and state who is coming and they have a code to collect the child. This is part of safeguarding the child and makes sure no child is put at risk. Tassoni etal (2007 pg 100) â€Å"Every setting will have a child protection policy. You will need to find out whether you need to wear a badge, how to sign in and also in what situations you may work with children. † C – Explain why the early year’s practitioner should listen to children’s views and value their opinions. Self EsteemOnce a child has established what they think they are like, they then consider whether they are happy with the result. Having a high self-esteem is being happy about your where as having a low self-esteem one can feel as if they are not measuring up. As a practitioner you should always encourage and promote high self-esteem. Ways in which you can do so are by giv ing a child one to one help, praising them and most importantly listening to a child who isn’t happy and also, take time to support them. We can also do this by taking a child into another room, using a persona doll or just doing special activities with everyone in the class.Trust Children and young people must feel as if they can trust you as a practitioner. For young people, trust means knowing that someone believes you and is also approachable. As a practitioner children often need to build a close bonding relationship with you so the child can express their feelings and concerns with you so that the practitioner can help to or make them feel better. Culture It is relevant that not only are a child’s needs are met, but that their customs and wishes are fit of the parents. As a practitioner you are to be aware of that all children come from different backgrounds.The celebrating of different religions and events from different backgrounds should be celebrated within y our setting to promote equality and diversity. As a result, children will have different views and opinions and needs within the setting for example, in a Muslim’s religion, they don’t eat pork. As a practitioner you will need to make sure that they don’t eat pork but offer an alternative menu. Involving a child’s culture or religion within the setting with doing certain activities a child will feel the practitioner valuing their parent’s culture or religion and they will feel valued too because of this. Child ProtectionWithin every setting there is a child protection policy. As a practitioner it is relevant to be aware of how to keep children within the setting safe. By law (Children Act 1989) practitioners should work with partnership with other professionals and parents to keep children safe and ensure that they achieve their full potential. In keeping child safe, you would have to keep them from abuse. Children within the setting often tell pra ctitioners things that may raise concerns and you may have to relate it back to the Safe-guarding officer at the school but to ensure that you keep the children aware of what is going on.As a practitioner you are not allowed at some setting to be alone in a setting with a child for not only are you protecting the child, but you are protecting yourself as well. Some ways in which we can protect children within the setting are: * Having visitors sign in and out of the setting * Avoid physical contact with children * Looking around the placement before break time for any dangers within the setting * Knowing who picks up the child at the end of the day.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Importance of Sleep Essay

1. Understand the importance of sleep 1 Explain how sleep contributes to an individual’s well-being 2 Identify reasons why an individual may find it hard to sleep 3 Describe the possible short-term and long-term effects on an individual who is unable to sleep well 2. Be able to establish conditions suitable for sleep 1 Describe conditions likely to be suitable for sleep 2 Minimise aspects of the environment likely to make sleep difficult for an individual 3 Adjust own behaviour to contribute to a restful environment 4 Describe actions to take if the behaviour or movement of others hinders an individual’s ability to sleep 3. Be able to assist an individual to sleep 1 Explain the importance of a holistic approach to assisting sleep 2 Encourage the individual to communicate the support they need to sleep 3 Assist the individual to find a position for sleep consistent with their plan of care 4 Support the individual to use aids for sleep in ways that reflect the plan of care and follow agreed ways of working 4. Be able to monitor sleep 1 Establish with the individual and others how sleep will be monitored 2 Record agreed observations relating to the individual’s sleep and the assistance given 5. Know how to access information and advice about difficulties with sleep 1 Describe situations in which additional information or assistance about sleep would be needed 2 Explain how to access additional information and assistance Additional information An individual is someone requiring care or support Agreed ways of working will include policies and procedures where these exist Others may include: family friends advocates line manager health professionals others who are important to the individual’s well-being Unit aim (s) This unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings. It provides the learner with the knowledge and skills required to establish conditions suitable for sleep and support the individual to sleep. Assessment requirements specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate) This unit must be assessed in accordance with Skills for Care and Development’s QCF Assessment Principles. Learning outcomes 2, 3 and 4 must be assessed in a real work environment. Details of the relationship of the unit and relevant national occupational standards HSC216

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Postal Rule of Acceptance Essays

Postal Rule of Acceptance Essays Postal Rule of Acceptance Paper Postal Rule of Acceptance Paper Four main justifications of Postal Acceptance Rule i. ‘Ad infinitum’ Justification Postal rule had existed almost for 200 years and the post had been creating problems for people which the courts are obliged to solve them logically. Why it had been creating so many problems for people and that we will be discussing later on. For now let’s look at the four main justifications for postal rule of acceptance. It came from Treitel and he believes that the four main justifications are for the creation of postal rule. First of all, the first justification is the â€Å"Ad Infinitum† justification where its main rationale is that acceptance by post has to be valid on posting because if there were no postings which mean there is no contract formed. Based on the case of Adam v Lindsell, the defendant actually mail the offer of selling wool to plaintiff and the plaintiff was requested on mailing back to the defendant. Unfortunately there was an error in the offered price and plaintiff did not receive it. We can thus conclude that the defendant had not receive the letter of acceptance and therefore the defendant assume that the plaintiff did not want to accept his offer so he sold the wool to a third party. There was actually a contract exists before the sale of the wool because acceptance made right after the mail is being mailed. Therefore, the defendant was liable in breach of contract. In this case, it might go on ad infinitum because once mail is being posted which means that acceptance is being made. Of course, there is a high level of uncertainty because of the distance between the two parties causing them difficulties for the formation of contract. ii. ‘Symbolic Act’ Justification In this justification, rationale being that the offeror must be considered as continually making (the offer) until he has brought to the knowledge of the person to whom it made that it is withdraw. Based on the case of Brogden v Directors of Metropolitan Railway Co, there was a contract sent by the defendant (Directors of Metropolitan Railway) to the plaintiff (Brogden) regarding the contract. The plaintiff agreed the contract by signing it and return to the defendant. The defendant then filled in the blanks without informing the plaintiff about the acceptance. Since there is no acceptance being communicated between the both parties, the plaintiff did not supply the company with coals. Thus, there was subsequently a dispute arose that whether the written agreement was valid. Although the action of communication of acceptance had not been showed clearly, in fact the written agreement was valid despite no acceptance being informed. Reason being both parties had already agreed on the terms of the contract without any objections. In the real world, we do not see an offeror consistently making an offer to people, and subsequently this justification seems to be attempting to affect a useful acceptance rule rather than providing any real rationale for the postal rule. [ 1 ]. The Law of Contract, 11th Edition, 2003 page 25 [ 2 ]. Stevenson P. J, 2010 [ 3 ]. (1818) 1 BA 681 [ 4 ]. Henthorn v Fraser (1892) 2 Ch. 27 [ 5 ]. Stevenson P. J, 2010

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Derechos y Deberes de los Americanos Fuera de Estados Unidos

Derechos y Deberes de los Americanos Fuera de Estados Unidos Hay ms de ocho millones de ciudadanos americanos que viven por fuera del territorio nacional. Muchos viajan por oportunidades de trabajo, otros para casarse con ciudadanos de otros paà ­ses y otros por los atractivos costos de vida en otras partes del mundo. La mayorà ­a de ciudadanos americanos viven en cercanà ­as del territorio nacional, con Canad y Mà ©xico como destinos principales, seguido de Europa, India, las Filipinas e Israel. En la actualidad hay una tendencia en la que los pensionados se mudan a paà ­ses de menor costo de vida para poder tener una calidad de vida mucho mejor que la que tendrà ­an en Estados Unidos, esto debido al cambio de dà ³lar a las monedas locales. Independiente de las circunstancias, el paso inicial ms importante cuando se vive en otro lugar es contactar a la embajada o consulado local inmediatamente se llegue al nuevo lugar de residencia. Este ser el lugar donde se tramitarn los pasaportes y documentos legales que requieran una apostilla del gobierno de Estados Unidos. En general, los ciudadanos americanos que viven por fuera de Estados Unidos conservan los siguientes derechos: Los relativos e inherentes a la ciudadanà ­a. Los ciudadanos en el extranjero pueden dirigirse a las embajadas para pedir ayuda si esta requiere de la intervencià ³n del gobierno. En caso de arresto o problemas con la ley, las autoridades locales estn obligadas a contactar a la embajada e informarle de la situacià ³n. Los relativos al votar en las elecciones federales. Actualmente se puede solicitar la planilla de manera electrà ³nica y regresarla por el mismo medio. Cuando se est en el exterior se vota en el à ºltimo estado de EE.UU. en el que se registrà ³. Los relativos a la ciudadanà ­a de los hijos. En el momento del nacimiento de un bebà © en el extranjero, si uno o ambos padres son ciudadanos americanos, hay que contactar a la embajada local para obtener el CRBA (Consular Report of Birth Abroad, reporte consular de nacimiento en el extranjero) para documentar que el nià ±o/a es un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos. Los relativos al pago mensual del Seguro Social para los pensionados y discapacitados. Los relativos al matrimonio/divorcio en el extranjero. Para certificar la validez del matrimonio/divorcio oficiado en otro paà ­s hay que contactar al Fiscal General del estado en el que se residà ­a originalmente dentro de los Estados Unidos. Tenga en cuenta que los ciudadanos con doble nacionalidad (y los de una sola), estn sujetos a las leyes locales y el gobierno de Estados Unidos no tiene jurisdiccià ³n legal si la persona comete algà ºn tipo de delito. Y asà ­ como cuentan con derechos, estos son los deberes de los ciudadanos americanos en el exterior: Rellenar las planillas y enviar los formularios de impuestos federales cada aà ±o. Estar al dà ­a en los impuestos locales que apliquen para cada paà ­s. Abstenerse de viajar a los paà ­ses que el departamento de estado considera no propicios. Inscribirse al servicio selectivo para los ciudadanos hombres. Estar al dà ­a con FACTA, o el tratado por medio del cual las instituciones financieras del extranjero deben informar al IRS acerca de los movimientos financieros de ciudadanos americanos o de empresas americanas. Finalmente, debe entenderse que Medicaid y Medicare no tienen cubrimiento en el extranjero y que podrà ­a haber razones por las que puede perder su nacionalidad. Este es un artà ­culo informativo y no pretende ser asesorà ­a legal.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Importance of Planning and Modelling for Successful E Business Essay

Importance of Planning and Modelling for Successful E Business - Essay Example So what is it that is supposed to draw him Similarly, the housewife cannot smell the coffee beans that she is being offered on an online grocery store - so how does she know it will be something that she will relish every morning These are the questions that are often asked in the arena of online shopping. In this regard, all the answers point towards a specific simulation application that may be used and categorised as aids in online shopping. E-commerce is currently an extremely vast field and requires the use of like HTML and Flash based applications for appropriation of simulation techniques where the online market place is concerned. The problem in this project mainly adheres to the fact that there are now a plethora of such models and theories. Thus, this has led to some amount of deliberation in terms of choosing the appropriate ones (Nemetz, 2002). Here, it may be noted that the competition in reaching an optimum model and plan for websites has been on a steady rise, thus making it difficult to pinpoint which of them is the best in terms of E commerce objectives. It has been found that there has been a 94% increase for the year 2005 in the number of Britons buying products online as opposed to the 37% figure of five years ago (news.bbc.co.uk). This further implies the fact that E-Commerce is now a major field generating an excessive amount of revenue in the world of global economies. Owing to increasing trends in globalisation, there has been widespread exposure of people from all corners to products and services that are suddenly not out of their reach (Chaffey, 2007). In this regard, the specific need areas of the people involved in terms of end users is a difficult area to study in order to arrive at the relevant simulation models and approaches. This depends largely on the demographic make up as well as the cultural influences, age, and product being sold. Therefore, E-Commerce is a vast subject to study and to find the appropriate simulation models for (Chaffey, 2007). Scope of Planning and Modelling The scope of business is decided by its advent upon various spheres of operation. To be effective, market intelligence is the foremost pre-requisite. In this regard, E-Commerce has been described along the following lines, in terms of its operational sphere: Industry Association with various web pages: this gives rise to a certain amount of validation of the product and it elements, especially in terms of marketing and online shopping (Palmer et al., 2003). This can be seen in the example of www.indiamart.com which carries various industries and their associated companies'websites. Availability of information: E-Commerce depends largely on the information system, which is an integration of knowledge management as well as the human effort as far as intellectual capital is concerned (Palmer et al., 2003). This can be seen in the PR based models of various universities in UK, US, Australia and other countries. When described in context of these broad elements, E-Commerce can be referred to as the technological advancement in the arena of marketing which in turn gives rise to a whole new experience as far as shopping is concerned (Matsuo et al., 2003). Decision Aids In the world of increasing consumerism, the significance of decision aids is accentuated through a focus on market intelligen

Friday, November 1, 2019

Performance appraisals Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Performance appraisals - Research Paper Example Performance appraisals are aimed at the smooth accomplishment of organizational goals by monitoring employee behavior and enhancing employee productivity. This paper deals with the various aspects of performance appraisals including its use in the workplace, its subjective and objective nature, legal and ethical issues, advantages and disadvantages, and suggests possible alternatives. Performance appraisals in the workplace Performance appraisals play a pivotal role in the management of organizations. Performance appraisals serve a large variety of purposes within organizations. The management often uses performance appraisals for taking important decisions on promotions, rewards, transfers and terminations of employees, for identifying training and development needs, for validating selection and development programs, and for providing timely feedback to the employees on their performance (Robbins 228). Performance appraisals offer a unique opportunity for managers and supervisors to evaluate the performance of their employees and to improve their performance by timely feedbacks or interventions. For Chukwuba, performance appraisals play two potentially conflicting roles within an organization. The first of these roles is â€Å"to measure performance for the purpose of rewarding or otherwise making administrative decisions about employees† whereas the second is ‘development of individual potential’ within the organization (Chukwuba 3). Both these roles are essential for the overall growth and development of the organization. It is the responsibility of the supervisors to guide, direct and motivate the subordinates through appropriate performance appraisals. However, self-appraisals, peer appraisals, subordinate appraisals, customer/client appraisals, and multiple raters are also proved to be significant in various organizational settings (Jennifer 255). Performance appraisals yield employee satisfaction and enhance their performance when the ir work is appreciated or rewarded. On the other hand, it can also put an end to undesirable behavior among the employees. Objective and subjective performance appraisals Performance appraisals can be of two types-objective or subjective. While objective performance appraisals are based on facts subjective performance appraisals are based on individuals’ perceptions. As such objective measures appear to be more valid and reliable. However, it is a fact that the actual performance of an employee cannot completely be evaluated based on facts or statistical data alone. Therefore, effective management system makes use of both objective and subjective performance appraisals. Objective performance appraisals are results-oriented as the focus is on facts or statistical data whereas subjective measures are â€Å"based on individuals’ perceptions and can be used for appraisals based on traits, behaviors, and results† (Jennifer 254). While objective performance appraisals value the performance of employees in terms of their sales, business, achievements, profits or growth in income subjective evaluation takes into account such aspects as the efforts made by the employee, the attitude of the employee and his/her behavior. For instance, the