Monday, September 30, 2019

Lodge’s narrative technique Essay

Abstraction: David Lodge ( 1936- ) is extremely respected and regarded as a critic and author who is profilic in both Fieldss in modern British. As a author. David Lodge is chiefly celebrated for his academic novels particularly his Campus Trilogy: Changing Topographic points. Small World and Nice Work in 70-80 in the 20 century. Campus Trilogy is regarded as the research object in the paper. This thesis attempts to do a comprehensive survey of Campus Trilogy from Narratology Angle. It wonders to detect the undetected deduction in the narrative plants to make full the space in this country of research by the macroscopic analysis and microscopic examination. The thesis consists of four chapters. Introduction includes a brief debut to David Lodge. his literary accomplishments. his representative plants Campus Trilogy. its literary reappraisal and the significance of the thesis. In add-on. the constructs and methods are merely presented. Chapter I outlines Narrative Structure of Campus Trilogy. By set uping the binary opposite smudge construction in the clip and infinite which lays out intricately. it makes the fresh fascinating but needs readers to read the novels caregully. Chapter II demonstrates Campus Trilogy from Narrative Perspective. The writer organizes the different focal point manners to run into the author’s need by agencies of different characteristics of the focal point manners. This refelcts Lodge’s academic point of views from one side: oppose the Jacobinic sentiment of The Death of Author. Lodge uses the altering focal point to do you cognize what he wants you to cognize and and hide what he doesen’t want you to cognize. It gives the readers to conceive of and think. Meanwhile the narrative voices in Lodge’s novels are. fro one clip. individual. for other clip. multi-voices with those of the existent writer. implied writer. storyteller. and characters. He manages the diffi cult and soft voices as per the demands of his plants. Chapter III trades with the Meta-fiction narrative techinque utilizing in Campus Trilogy. The writer masters the accomplishment of Parody and Collage to interrupt the true consequence of the narrative. It exposes the fiction of the novels by itself and subverts the readers’expectation. Otherwise it makes the reader maintain the critical attitude to believe the relationship between the world and novelistic. Chapter IV explores the narrative technique of Irony in Campus Trilogy. Lodge hides his point of view by puting the dry characters. sarcasm of state of affairs and dry allusions. Readers are in aesthetic. emotional and ethical multiple state of affairss and dry allusions. The kernel of the manner to success of the bookmans is making the primitve and coarse natural degree of being. They achieve slef-destruction successfully. They lost the humanity spirit non merely owing to the infinite enlargement of the economic system. but besides the divergence and treachery of the humani stic disciplines bookmans. In a word. though Lodge’s novels contain the deep implied significances. they have the strong readability. On the one manus. David Lodge indulges himself to the assorted experimental accomplishments of Meta-fiction. so some of the critics classify him to be a post-modernism novelist. On the other manus. as a traditional author. he has a pots of historical and societal mission. He doesn’t give up the basic traditional realist. The scholar life in Campus Trilogy is based on his ain personal experience or the familliar personal businesss around. It makes the readers know the life of the schilars in the Ivory Tower. In the average clip. his novels reveal the degeneracy of the humanity in the modern society. Consequently his Campus Trilogy hovers among pragmatism. modernism. and post-modernism but non simple post-modernism narratology.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Psychology and American Psychological Association Essay

The qualitative variables were National Academy of Science membership, election as American Psychological Association president or receipt of the APA Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award, and surname used as a eponym (i. e. , a psychological term such a Pavlovian conditioning or Skinner box) to represent a theory, procedure, or apparatus. Objective: You are going to learn a little bit about the history of psychology and the APA style of citations, by conducting research and writing a 2 to 3 page paper – typed, double spaced and 12 point Times New Roman font – on one of the individuals from the list below: . B. F. Skinner 2. Jean Piaget 3. Sigmund Freud 4. Albert Bandura 5. Leon Festinger 6. Carl Rogers 7. Stanley Schachter 8. Neal Miller 9. Edward Thorndike 10. Abraham Maslow 11. Gordon Allport 12. Erik Erikson 13. Hans J. Eysenck 14. William James 15. David McClelland 16. Raymond Cattell 17. John B. Watson 18. Kurt Lewin 19. Donald O. Hebb 20. George A. Miller 2 1. Clark L. Hull 22. Jerome Kagan 23. Carl Jung 24. Ivan Pavlov 25. Walter Mishcel Though not in the top 25, you can pick Alfred Adler, Karen Horney, Lawrence Kohlberg, Wolfgang Kohler, or Margaret Washburn. Procedures: 1. Select your psychologist by looking him/her up in your textbook. The textbook will help you quickly understand their contribution to the field and also help you with some terminology you may not understand in other sources. 2. After choosing a psychologist, conduct research in order to become an expert on him or her. Make sure you keep track of your sources. You should use a minimum of three sources and one of the three can be your textbook. See my website for links to good websites. I highly recommend the book The Story of Psychology by Morton Hunt which has information on most of the psychologists on the list. You are welcome to borrow my copy and the library also has a copy. In addition, the two volume reference book Psychologists and Their Theories for Students, housed in the library, is also an excellent resource. In fact, this book may help you select a psychologist. 3. Develop your paper around an argument (thesis) for why your psychologist should be number one on the most eminent list. Make sure the title of your paper links to this argument. 4. Do not write a biography! You need to pick and choose what information to use in your paper. What information you select depends on the content of your thesis tatement. You might focus on the major impact of his/her work/theories in the field of psychology, the types of research methods utilized in his/her experiments, the practical applications of his/her research, his/her major publications, and/or the school of psychology to which he/she belongs. The number of body paragraphs you write depends on the number of supporting statements. 5. Cit e your facts using parenthetical citations and format your paper, using American Psychological Association (APA) format (see the attached APA format document or the APA link on my website). Include a cover and reference page. 6. Writing a research paper is a multi-step process. Do not attempt to complete all of the above steps in one night! How to do your references page: Books: Calfee, R. C. , & Valencia, R. R. (1991). The evolution of desire: Strategies of human mating. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Original source found in a current source (e. g. older studies cited in a newer book) Freud, S. (1961). The ego and the id. In J. Strachey (Ed. and Trans. ), The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud (Vol. 19, pp. 3-66). London: Hogarth Press. Anonymous or unknown author (common in newspapers): Caffeine linked to mental illness. (1991, July 13). New York Times, pp. B13, B15. World Wide Web page: Bixley, T. S. (1995) Sentient microfilaments. Retrieved from http://www. microfilaments. com/consciousness/synchronicity/quantum tube. html. *If there is no date, put n. d. in its place. Group or institutional authors: University of Pittsburgh. (1993). The title goes here. Journal of Something, 8, 5-9. Journal article: Guenzel, N. (1996, Autumn) Altruism in three states. Whitman Journal of Psychology, (5)1, 67-73. Letter to the editor: O’Neill, G. W. (1992, January). In support of DSM-III [Letter to the editor]. APA Monitor, p. -5. Magazine article: Gardner, H. (1991, December 9). Do babies sing a universal song? Psychology Today, pp. 70-76. Newsletter article: Brown, L. S. (1993, Spring). My research with orangs. The Psychology Department Newsletter, pg. 3. Pamphlet: Just Say No Foundation. (1992). Saving our youth. (9th ed. ) [Brochure]. Washington, DC: Author. Article in a Newspaper Schultz, S. (2005, December 28). Calls made to strengthen state energy policies. The Country Today, pp. 1A, 2A. In-Text Citations In-text citations help readers locate the cited source in the References section of the paper. . Whenever you use a source, provide in parenthesis the author’s last name and the date of publication. For quotations, provide a page number as well. The punctuation mark should follow the citation. Example: (Greenwood, 19, p. 2). 2. When quoting, introduce the quotation with a signal phrase. Make sure to include the author’s name, the year of publication, the page number, but keep the citation brief – do not repeat the information. Example: Caruth (1996) states that a traumatic response frequently entails a â€Å"delayed, uncontrolled repetitive appearance of hallucinations and other intrusive phenomena† (p. 1). Example: A traumatic response frequently entails a â€Å"delayed, uncontrolled repetitive appearance of halluc inations and other intrusive phenomena† (Caruth, 1996, p. 11) 3. There are several formats for a summary of paraphrase. Use signal verbs: acknowledge, contend, maintain, respond, report, argue, conclude, etc. Example: Smith (1998) argues that †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4. When citing a work with more than one author, identify all authors in the signal phrase or in parenthesis. Example: (Harklau, Siegel, and Losey, 1999) Example: (Smith et al. , 1983)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

B322 Investigating entrepreneurial opportunities Essay

B322 Investigating entrepreneurial opportunities - Essay Example However the treatments are frequently conducted over a fairly long period of time and at considerable expense. The acupressure complimentary treatment centre deploys modern technology in order to provide complimentary health benefits at an affordable price to the general public. The target market is the general public. Competitors are complimentary treatment centres and individual practices and also allopathic general medical treatment centres and individual practices. Also to a lesser degree health spas and beauty salons. Acupressure is a derivative of acupuncture which out of all the complimentary healing systems is the most recognised. In particular acupressure has the advantage over acupuncture in that no needles are used in the treatment plan. The acupressure centre will employ state of the art technology to derive benefits similar to acupressure to its customers, however at a much more competitive price and in a manner which allows for considerable longer and more frequent treatments than provided for by the traditional acupressure practices. I have considerable commercial experience combined with a long term interest and experience of complementary medicine. While I believe in complimentary medicine I find the present practice of complimentary medicine to be laborious and expensive. By leveraging my commercial experience I believe I can create a unique twist on the present complimentary health offering. Question 2 Prepare a report of up to 1,200 words addressed to your tutor. Describe the main features of the competitive market in which you intend to do business and explain how and why your idea will be innovative. Explain clearly what particular innovation or market gap your idea addresses and what benefits it will offer to your target customers. Explain how you will acquire or develop the skills necessary for successfully launching your idea. You should take into account: l the concepts covered in the

Friday, September 27, 2019

How Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Reputations Affect Dissertation

How Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Reputations Affect Profitability - Dissertation Example POSE 32 3.4.RESEARCH APPROACH 32 3.5.RESEARCH STRATEGY 33 3.6.RESEARCH METHOD 34 3.7.DATA COLLECTION 35 3.7.1.Secondary data collection: 36 3.7.2.Questionnaire For Primary Data 36 3.8.POPULATION AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUE 37 3.9.ETHICAL ISSUES 38 3.10.LIMITATIONS 38 3.11.RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF RESEARCH 38 3.12.SUMMARY 39 Chapter 4: Data Analysis 40 4.1.INTRODUCTION: 40 4.2.DATA ANALYSIS: 40 4.3.ANALYSIS: 50 4.4.SUMMARY 52 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION 53 5.1.INTRODUCTION 53 5.2.SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS 53 5.3.MANAGERIAL IMPLICATION 57 5.4.RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE STUDY 58 References 60 Table of Figures Figure 1: OCCUPATION OF RESPONDENTS: 41 Figure 2: IMPACT OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ON PROFITABILITY 42 Figure 3: IMPORTANT FACTORS FOR EFFECTIVE CSR STRATEGY 44 Figure 4: REASONS OF ADOPTING CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 46 Figure 5: BARRIERS IN ACCOMMODATING CSR IN THE COMPANY’S OPERATIONS 48 Figure 6: IMPORTANCE OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN TODAY’S ENVI RONMENT: 50 â€Å"HOW CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND CORPORATE REPUTATION AFFECTS PROFITABILITY?† Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1. INTRODUCTION The introduction chapter provides special attention regarding the concepts associated with Corporate Social Responsibility, and Corporate Reputation and its impact on organizational profitability. In addition, this chapter encompasses the research aims and objectives along with the significance of the study. This chapter further highlights the plan of the study i.e. the research methods used along with the conceptual framework. Lastly, this chapter includes the overall summary of the dissertation. 1.2. INTRODUCTION TO STUDY During the last two decades, organizations have grown significant concerns regarding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Through CSR, organizations have been describing their contributions towards the community while balancing the organization’s impact on the environment. With the passage of time, organi zations have extended their responsibilities towards CSR as it has helped the organizations to promote sustainable growth on company’s core business activities. Businesses have long pursued their single most dominant motive i.e. profit. Significant changes have been observed from earlier days to the modern world. One of the prominent changes includes the utmost attention towards the development of community and society. In simpler words, the concept of giving the society back has greatly impacted the profitability of the businesses in local and international markets. Today the profitability of the company is fueled through its attention on social responsibilities. Due to the very reason, the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Final paper traft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Final paper traft - Essay Example If they are denied equal rights under the law, it is unreasonable discrimination. Heterosexuals are allowed to marry. Homosexuals should be allowed to marry. A. Cultural variation exists and has long existed, with respect to the form of marriage. In some cultures, marriage is between one man and one woman. In an example of regional Tibetan culture, marriage is between one woman and all brothers of a family (Berreman, 1975). In other cultures (Muslim and traditional Mormon, for example), marriage is between one man and various women. From the news there periodically come articles about a man who married a mountain and a popular female celebrity who married a tree. B. The man who married a mountain did so out of a strong spiritual connection, and the woman who married a tree did so as part of a traditional spiritual solution to strengthen her upcoming marriage. Tibetans, Mormons and Muslims participate in their cultural variation because it is seen to strengthen the family and have positive spiritual implications. Variation and choice are part of marriage in most cultures. C. Many cultures recognize both homosexual and heterosexual marriage. While there are cultural pockets where homosexuality is strongly abhorred (for example in Sri Lanka, where male homosexuality is a serious crime), the modern trend is toward increased legal and social acceptance of variation and recognition of human rights. From Canada and America to India and other countries in Asia, gay marriage is being legalized and supported. There is increased tolerance even in cultural pockets currently prohibiting homosexuality. D. Homosexuals do not differ in any capacity for the sincere performance of marriage, with all its meanings and outcomes (Graff, 1999). Their variation from the norm is not a reflection on capacity, just as other variations the world over do not reflect on their

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Write a report for a fictional human rights NGO on the issues of Essay

Write a report for a fictional human rights NGO on the issues of justice it should consider when forming its policy stance on international norms around humanitarian intervention.(1600 word count) - Essay Example This is a policy pursued by the United Nations, in conjunction with major world powers, such as United States, United Kingdom, and France. This policy gained prominence after the Rwandan genocide of 1994 (Alkopher, 2013, p. 17). During this genocide, more than 500,000 people were killed in a span of three months, without the international community doing anything to stop this killing spree. To protect humanity against dictatorial regimes, and natural disasters, there is a need of engaging in humanitarian interventions. Humanitarian intervention refers to the use of military force, against another state, for purposes of protecting the rights and dignity of the citizens of the state under consideration (Roberts, 1999, p. 36). However, this definition is narrow, because it is possible to use non-military force, when carrying out humanitarian interventions. The following are the three general consensuses that surround the concept of humanitarian intervention (Alkopher, 2013, p. 22), This report identifies the various debates and norms that surround the concept of humanitarian interventions. It provides an analysis of these norms, and it explains the different perspectives concerning this notion of humanitarian intervention, and justice (Meggle, 2004, p. 16). Furthermore, this report contains a summary on the major issues, concerning humanitarian intervention that the agency should concentrate in. It is important to explain that this concept of humanitarian intervention is not supported by all states (Meggle, 2004). This is because countries such as China and Russia, who hold veto powers within the UN Security Council, are opposed to its use. They view it, as interference with the domestic activities of a state, and this is against the UN charter. This report will therefore highlight the issues for the organization to consider while developing its policies, regarding humanitarian interventions. In gathering information for this paper, the writer

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Social Commentary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Social Commentary - Essay Example All the electronics, which people use for the comfort in their routine lives, actually emit such dangerous gases and chemicals in the air that they destroy the natural composition of the environment. The disposal or the waste material of the people destroys the natural lands and the greenery of any place. Usually people do not care for the surrounding environment and just want to relax themselves. Similarly water areas i.e. oceans, rivers, seas and natural waterfalls are slowly getting polluted because of the chemicals emitting from the sea transports. Nevertheless, people are continuously using these transports without any solution to this water pollution. Due to many factors, the temperature on the planet has increased so much that it has started destroying natural beauties and even the atmospheric layers. It is evident that slowly these things are destroying natural environment and thus the natural habitat of many of the living species is not worth living now. The human beings should think over their activities and the probable ways to overcome the loss of natural

Monday, September 23, 2019

Letter of recommendation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Letter of recommendation - Essay Example As a business and quality assurance analyst, Alvi demonstrated tremendous leadership and management skills. He acted as the link between the project team and the client, and he ensured that client requirements are effectively communicated to the team. His ability to coordinate project activities and monitor progress ensured that the final product met the needs of the client. His ability and eagerness to understand and resolve issues with project stakeholders made him the most outstanding and respected member of the team. Mr. Alvi was willing to go out of his way and help others during the project life. I was pleased with his creative and critical thinking ability. He was able to communicate authoritatively without hurting the feelings of other members. During the interactions I had with him, Alvi emphasized on the importance of applying knowledge acquired in class in undertaking real life projects. While working on the project, Alvi remained vigilant and never failed to ask the team members questions on unfamiliar matter or idea. Consequently, Alvi was ready to share his knowledge by explaining to other members any new concepts and ideas. Due to His desire to learn and apply his IT skills, Alvi occasionally reported to work with his laptop that contained notes and other resources. On many occasions, Alvi talked about his desire to further his education in IT. I believe that if offered chance, Alvi has the potential to use his knowledge and skills to transform the society for the better. His commitment and willingness to apply his knowledge make him a suitable candidate for this program. I believe he will be more than a student and prove to be a major asset to the program. I therefore offer my highest

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Media Bias in War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Media Bias in War - Essay Example The media – which include print and electronic means of communication such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio and the internet – are not immune from such overarching impact of war. In particular, when their own people, ethnic groups, and countries are involved in the war, war reporters and media organizations can hardly remain unbiased unless they are prepared to be called unpatriotic and get demonized Actually, war affects media organizations and their war reporters more than many other segments of warring societies. War reporters have to gather news from the dangerous frontlines where many them lose their lives every year at the hand of one or the other party to war. If a reporter is killed by one side deliberately or accidently, media organizations and the public, out of spontaneous human instinct, often blame the killers and their side and project them in a bad light. Even when a war has not directly affected reporters and media outlets in such fashion, it influences them directly or indirectly in so many other ways. For instance, the death or deployment of a relative or friend in the frontline and disruption of their own plans, like a much-coveted trip, due to war might dilute the neutrality of reporters. When war affects individuals personally, their first instinctive reaction would be to blame the party that they perceive guilty of starting the war and causing them hardships. So much so that human beings blame the boulder when they stumble on it and hurt themselves rather that blaming themselves for not taking caution to avoid hitting it. Besides, so many other factors also often influence reporters and dilute their objectivity and neutrality. Such factors include personal links, philosophical conviction, media organizations’ mission and motto, cultural connections, geographical proximity, conditions in which reporting is done, sympathy for the underdog, etc. Individual reporters, due to their personal links to one of the pa rties to war or ethical and philosophical conviction, might have their own angles and biases to view a war or the parties engaged in it. For instance, one of the parties to war could be their ancestral country that occupies a special place in their heart. Reporters might also have a soft corner for one country more than other because of their experience or because of what they have read or been told by seniors and friends. Philosophically, they could innately be pro-war or anti-war. An anti-war reporter would begin by blaming the party that has started the war, even though there might have been sufficient underlying provocation from the other party. Confronted with the duty of war reporting, reporters’ first instinct would be to apply their ingrained bias based on their links, acquired wisdom and conviction and assign the blame on the perceived bad guy. Even the most dedicated and honest journalist cannot be free from these elements of bias in war reporting. Rational decision s of individual war reporters and other media players collectively put out lies, half-truths and disinformation that encourages war and discourages conflict resolution (Russ-Mohl). This explains why different reporters come up with different narratives for the same event. Such differences might also occur due to the motto, mission and orientation of media organization

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Limitations of Marketing Research Essay Example for Free

Limitations of Marketing Research Essay Explain the limitations of marketing research used to contribute to the development of Nivea. No matter how small or large a market research project may be, any type of research performed poorly will not give relevant results. In fact, all research, no matter how well controlled, carries the potential to be wrong. There are many reasons why research may not give good results but a common problem is deciding whether the research is really measuring what it claims to be measuring. There are 3 types of limitations of market research. These are Cost effectiveness, reliability and validity of data collected. Reliability is chiefly concerned with making sure the method of data gathering leads to consistent results. For example; Nivea need to make sure that in their market research that they were asking the same questions asked of each person, was the sample big enough and reflective of the people who will use/buy the product would the same results be obtained from a different set of people. Reliability estimates the degree to which a product is measures in contrast to validity which involves the degree of accuracy. In research, Nivea will want to use measurement tools that are both reliable and valid. They will want to create questions that offer consistent responses when asked multiple times as this shows reliability. Validity asks whether the research measured what it intended to. Validity implies reliability: a valid measure must be reliable. But reliability does not necessarily imply validity: a reliable measure need not be valid. Validity is usually considered more important than reliability, because if an instrument does not accurately measure what it is supposed to, there is no reason to use it even if it measures reliably. Nivea needs to consider when carrying out their market research for a product is does the product measure what it claims to measure and is it accurate, this reduces the chances of the business making the wrong decision. If they so happen to make the wrong decision this will affect one of its marketing objectives which is to retain customers and gain new ones, if the validity of their data is not correct then they will not reach this marketing objectives as customers opinions of the company will differ. Costs are also an important consideration in market research, Nivea need to consider whether or not the product theyre promoting is cost effective. Their market research has to weigh up the cost of undertaking the research against the potential benefits that may result. You could spend a lot of time and effort in trying to solve a problem through market research, only to find that the solution may not be worth implementing. Also, marketing is one of the few areas of a budget that can be reigned in without hurting Nivea too much as they are a very successful business however, one of their marketing plans is to continue producing successful skin products and boost sales yearly. To do this they have a few cost-effective ways that a company can market its products. Search Engine Optimization- Niveas customers are no longer waiting for direct mail pieces to arrive before ordering–they are finding products when they want them through Internet searches. In fact, almost 90% of new visitors to a web site originate from major search engines. And clearly, a top ranking on Google can translate into hundreds or thousands of visitors– and orders–a month. As web pages proliferate, increasingly more aggressive search engine optimization strategies are needed to remain visible to Niveas customers. Permission-based Email Marketing. Permission is the difference between legitimate email marketing and spam, turning email marketing into a highly cost effective marketing strategy. The idea is simple and time tested: Nivea deliver highly relevant, timely, and personalized email messages to their customers and prospects at a fraction of the cost of direct mail to avoid any cost limitations. 3. Public Relations- News releases, white papers, case studies, awards, and sponsorships of educational events are just a few of the relatively inexpensive ways Nivea keep their brand name in front of other competitors. Although these methods have succeeded so far for them in the near future they will have to alter their methods as well as their approach to the types of market research they decide to carry out, otherwise poor market research will increase the chances of Nivea making a wrong decision. D2) Make and justify three recommendations for improving the validity (the extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure) of the marketing research used to contribute to the development of your chosen organisation’s marketing plans. In this assignment I will be explaining how Nivea uses marketing research for its marketing planning by applying a Marketing Planning Process Model, a SWOT analysis on Nivea – giving at least 3 factors for each box) and their SMART objectives (stating what their business objectives are/might be) Marketing planning is concerned with establishing objectives and goals, allocating resources to meet these and setting out a clear plan of action. It also involves setting out ways of evaluating performance against marketing targets. Typically, the marketing planning process involves: a PESTLE audit, a SWOT analysis, setting SMART objectives, determining strategy and tactics, implementing strategy and tactics and evaluating effectiveness of marketing activity. A Marketing planning process model involves a PESTLE and SWOT As part of the marketing planning process, Nivea has to analyse its external environment. One useful way of analysing the external environment is by grouping external forces into six areas using a PESTLE analysis. PESTLE stands for political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental influences. Political factors that affect a business are usually beyond the control of the organisation. However, the business needs to anticipate changes and identify the action it needs to take to either make the most of an opportunity or mitigate a threat. For example, a political factor that Nivea need to consider is that during a recession, any banks or financial services providers would have to consider the likely government scrutiny of any of their business decisions. Economic factors can affect the performance of a business. These relate to he national – or international economy. A economic factor that can affect Nivea are the periods of prosperity that they go through. This can happen in three ways for example when high employment and income drives demand within the organisation. It can also happen in the form of recession when demand falls, leading to lower income and employment within their organisation. Furthermore, in the form of recovery, when demand, income and employment gradually rise within the business. Social factors relate to the values and beliefs of society. This includes the population’s demographics (for example, size, gender, ethnicity, income, education, occupation). These social factors provide useful information for Nivea as it allows them to target their services at broad segments of the population, such as newspapers and magazines. Technological developments can affect businesses in a range of ways. For example, the development of e-commerce benefited business such Amazon. co. uk. Due to the rise in e-commerce Nivea had to produce a e-commerce website which eventually took business away from traditional shops.. Legal developments affect businesses in a range of ways. For example, if there was a change to the Data Protection Act it would affect Nivea and all other businesses that hold customer data. For example If a change in the act occurred then Nivea may not be able to expressly agree to the use of personal data for advertising or marketing purposes any more. Environmental factors can relate to the social, political and legal aspects affecting a business. For example, if Nivea decide to package their cream products in recyclable packaging. This may prove to be popular with consumers if there is a growing level of concern over waste. Similarly, the government may put pressure on businesses to increase the amount of recycling. SWOT analysis A useful approach to examining the relationship between a business and its marketing environment is by conducting a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for: †¢ Strengths †¢ Weaknesses †¢ Opportunities and Threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal to the business and can include issues such as the buildings, quality of the staff, IT systems and so on. The external element looks at the opportunities and threats present in the environment in which the organisation operates. Carrying out a SWOT analysis requires research into an organisation’s current and future position. The idea is to match an organisation’s strengths and weaknesses with the external forces (opportunities and threats). SWOT analysis draws together all the evidence from the various analytical techniques used. It is a way of producing a summary, which then provides the basis for developing marketing objectives or aims and ultimately strategies or plans. Strengths refer to the internal features of Nivea, which provide a competitive advantage. An example could be a highly efficient IT system which they use to design their products. The company also has a sound financial base, so it had the resources to put together a strong marketing campaign. Also, Nivea has staff with relevant skills – researchers with the scientific skills to develop products that men want and marketing staff with the skills to help promote these products effectively. Weaknesses are internal aspects of the organisation, which may not stand comparison with competition or are not performing effectively. An example might be major concerns and questions that Nivea have when launching a product For example; Was the product range still relevant for the target audience? Did it have the right sales and distribution outlets? Was its market research up-to-date? Opportunities focus on events and developments external to an organisation. This might include new territories for a product or service. Opportunities that Nivea will want to undertake is to open a new segment of a market. Also, NIVEA FOR MEN had seen an increase in the sales of male skincare products and it wants a greater share of this market, Nivea might might consider this. Furthermore, the company wants to take advantage of changing social attitudes such as men becoming more open, or certainly less resistant, to facial skincare products. Threats are developments external to the organisations, which could damage overall performance. These threats can originate from governmental policy, such as an increase in corporation tax or new laws. Threats to Nivea are consumers who are becoming more knowledgeable and price conscious. They often expect sales promotions such as discounts and offers. Also, the risk of competitors entering the market.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Human resource development

Human resource development INTRODUCTON Human resource development is defined by Heathfield (2010) as the framework for helping employees develops their personal and organizational skills, knowledge and abilities. Human resource development involves using a range of learning and training techniques and strategies to change the work related behavior and attitudes of an employee (Megginson et al 1999) and it also engages in performance management in other to ensure that people can do things well or do new and better things (Gibbs 2008). This study is aimed to analyze the purpose of Human resource development and also using this aims to analyze how it helps organizations achieve sustained competitive advantage by using organization example. AIM OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Human resource development according to Philbeam and Corbridge (2002:285) is concerned with enhancing organizational performance through effective development and deployment of organizational members. To enhance performance, a human resource developer has to ensure that the individuals in the organization has the knowledge, expertise and the right attitudes to execute their work (Swanson and Arnold 1996), also, human resource development aims at ensuring that the organization has the skilled, committed and well-motivated employee it needs to sustain competitive advantage by focusing on processes that develop skills, knowledge and the attitude of the employee (Swanson Arnold 1996), such as training, developing, learning, educating and mentoring the employee (Stewart and McGoldrick 1996), and also by identifying and improving the skills and motivation of employees (Philbeam and Corbridge 2002:284). In other to ensure that the organization as the right people to sustain competitive advantage, Human resource development engage in the following training, learning, development of the individual and mentoring but before the Human resource developer makes a decision on how to train, develop, teach or mentor the employee they need to have a concept on performance management in other to see how training and development will improve the effectiveness of the employee and to know what aspect in the performance of the employee needs to be trained in other to meet the goals and values of the organization (Megginson et al 1999). Performance management Performance involves what an employee does in carrying out their duty (Mathis and Jackson 2003). Before performance is managed the performance needed by the organization should be identified in other to achieve their goals which in most organization is linked to the mission statement of the organization so that the performance can be managed in line with the organizational values and some organization will manage the performance in line with the business strategy of the organization that are required in the business context to be competitive (Torrington et al 2005). Performance management is defined by Armstrong (2009:618) as a systematic process for improving organization by developing the performance of individuals and teams. Torrington et al (2005) cited Mabey and Salaman (1995) who defined performance management as establishing a frame work in which the performance by individual can be directed, monitored, motivated and rewarded and whereby the links in the cycle can be audited. Human resource development is a means to an end. That end is usually acknowledged to be getting better results from the organization, teams and individuals by understanding and managing performance within an agreed framework of planned goals, objectives and standards(Gibb 2008). Every organization wants an employee that performs well in their duty it is believed that an effective performance management scheme can make the likely of good performance to occur (Mathis and Jackson 2003). Performance management goes beyond the ability and motivation of the individual it involves how goals are clearly identified in enabling the employee to understand what is expected of them in the area of their job and to set their priorities (Torrington et al 2005). Performance management scheme involves processes that can be used to encourage, motivate, evaluate, reward and identify the performance of the employee (Mathis and Jackson 2003). Performance management develops the capacity of the employee to meet, exceed and to achieve their full potential for the benefit of the organization as well as themselves, it can also serve as the basis for self development and ensure that the support and the guidance need by the employee to develop and improve is available (Armstrong 2009). Megginson et al (1999) discuss the work of Ulrich (1998) who was of the view that performance management is what employees and managers do at work, that the way they act and interact is crucial to the success of the organization and in doing this it will raise the profile and value of training as a strategy for achieving competitive advantage. Training Staffs are important resources to an organization in other to achieve economic and effective performance, in other to ensure that an organization has staffs that are capable of career advancement into the role of a specialist or a manager an organization needs to engage in adequate training (Mullins 2002). Training is defined as learning and development undertaken for the purpose of supporting development and maintenance of operational capability in employment: skills for work and in work, on-job or off-job, to enable effective performance in a job or role (Gibb 2008:5). Training involves modifying skills, knowledge and abilities through learning to achieve effective performance (Wilson 2005). It is believed that training makes an individual become effective managers as a result of their techniques having impact on inherent abilities, competence and skills (Hunt and Baruch 2003). Training makes the employees believe that the organization is committed to them and in securing their future in the organization which motivates the employees to Work harder and better (CIPD 2008), and it also develops the expertise of the individual in other to increase their performance in the organization (Swanson). Training and development is equipping the employee with the right skills, knowledge and competence to maximize performance (Philbeam and Corbridge 2002).Also, training improves the level of the organization as well as the individual competence and its also a key element in improving organizational performance (Mullins 2002). Competence is defined by Stensgaard (2004) as the combination of awareness, skills, knowledge and abilities that enables an individual to perform a job to the standards required for successful job performance. Competence is more than learned knowledge, skills and abilities but involves motives, traits, values and self concept of the individual (Clardy 2008). Clardy (2008) discuss the work of Spencer and Spencer (1993) who claim that training competence however expanded the focus on skills and knowledge which includes personality traits, increasing the number of variables that could explain and promote job performance as well as shifting emphasis from enabling adequate performance to producing superior ones. However, competence is based on skills rather than knowledge, in other word; competence training will convince employees of the need to give time and commitment to learning new skill in other to increase their performance and to see their role as accepting these challenges for change (Bramham). Having a well designed and structured competence based training and development program; the organization can work towards ensuring that they have the right skills and the right people to achieve their organizational goals and sustain competitive advantage which can only be achieved by having employees that can effectively and efficiently perform their job (Stensgaard 2004). Training is believed to improve the knowledge and the skills of the employee as well as change their attitudes toward work which can lead to benefits such as the increase in the confidence, motivation and the commitment of staffs, broaden the opportunity for career progression, give a feeling of personal achievement and satisfaction and help to improve the availability and quality of staffs (Mullins 2002). Training can be a source of motivation development for the employee if it is carried out as a form of support for the employee and in the process of training the employees learns what is expected of them in doing their job and what they need to do better (Thomason 1988). Learning One of the functions of Human Resource development is to assist the organization by creating an environment suitable for learning which is required to help develop staffs to meet agreed objectives (Wilson 2005). Learning is defined as a change in an individuals level of knowledge, skills or attitudes (Gibb 2008). Learning is believed to be the individuals ability to cope with change which can be acquired either through formal education or training or through informal experiences (Wilson 2005). As much as organizations are interested in ensuring they utilize the knowledge and skills of all their employees it is believed that little is gained through training provided at work but it is believed that most learning acquired by the individual is through their interaction with colleagues, clients which is said to be learning acquired through experience (Mullins 2002). It is believed that learning and development has helped develop employees skills in organizations which have prompted employees performance and lead to organizational success (CIPD 2008). Learning is believed to be linked to behavioral outcomes in other words learning does not only involve what is being taught but making sense of experiences and by doing that learning new skills (Stewart and McGoldrick 1996). Learning at work can be said to be learning for work and it is believed that what people learn will be applied to work in other to support current and future work requirement, also, as learning at work increases the ability of the individual at work so does learning outside work increase the individuals work performance (Megginson et al 1999). Learning can be beneficial to an organization as well as the individual in the organization by increasing the capacity and the ability of everyone to contribute to the growth of the organization, by developing the individuals skills and potentials and enabling them to be able to meet the demand of change, also, it provides a solution to organizational issues, enables the organization to meet its goals and produce a wider range of solutions to organizational issues (Mullins 2002). Development Development is believed to be a form of learning and training which changes the individual intellectually and not just changing their work skill or knowledge but the individual as a whole and it also helps the individual to grow in their career and also in all aspect of life (Gibb 2008). Development is said to involve preparing the individual in the organization for expected changes in their job or for a future job or a role (Mullins 2002). Development involves the growth of an individuals ability through learning which can be conscious or unconscious (Wilson 2005). Wilson (2005:6) cited the work of Bolton (1995) who points out that development occurs when a gain in experience is effectively combined with the conceptual understanding that can illuminate it, giving increased confidence both to act and to perceive how such actions relates to its context. Employee development involves attitude which includes concepts like growth, expansion, improvement, and education (Maund 2001), and also gives the employee opportunity to develop their skills, abilities, realize their potential and to advance their career in or outside the organization (Armstrong 2009), and to change their attitude as a result of going through the process of motivational development (Thomason 1988). Development involves the acquisition of skills which is derived from learning (Thomason 1988).Employee development as wide impact on the individual and not just on the individual but also on the organization and the community in which the organization works (Maund 2001). Mentoring Mentoring is a relationship in which experienced managers aid individuals in the earlier stage of their career and such relationship provides an environment for convening technical, interpersonal and organizational skills from the more experienced to the less experienced (Mathis and Jackson 2003). Mentoring is seen as a variable in the achievement of success for both the individual and the organization who seek to manage the development of their employees who are the future leaders to engage in order to grow and to develop to senior managers (Gibb 2008). It is believed that mentoring is a form of support in enabling women to progress up the career ladder particular in the area of professions and management (Gibb 2008). Effective mentors will not only encourage individuals to reflect upon their career goals, thereby promoting a sense of purpose and control they will also help individuals acquire the skills necessary to operate within a less hierarchical structure (CIPD 2008). The skills, approaches and the general behavior of the mentor have an important effect on the employees willingness to learn and also on the commitment shown by the employees towards the learning process (Megginson et al 1999). Also, mentors can serve as a source of motivation for the individual in a way of support in the early stage of their career (Mathis and Jackson 2003). Motivation can be used to aid the employee to give their best to their job or increase their performance in the area of their job or work according to set standards, also, it is believed that people tend to work better if they understand the nature of their job and how they are suppose to carry it out and why they are suppose to carry it out in that particular way (Thomason 1988). SUSTAINING COMPETITVE ADVANTAGE THROUGH THE WORK OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (ORGANIZATION EXAMPLE) Human resource development is viewed as an important necessity to Walt Disney because to them training is seen as an important investment in the success of their company, while some organizations see training as necessary but expensive, Walt Disney make it top priority (Handout). Walt Disney believe so strongly in a companys responsibility for training its employees (handout), and they believe that it is the talent, enthusiasm and the dedication of their employee that has sustained them over the years (Disneyland they believe that in other for their employees to perform excellently and not embarrass themselves they need to go through a training program and also need to practice whatever they have been trained on (Handout). Before starting in their new job their employees go through training program that is based on their profession and what their job entails, in other to develop their skills (Marie). They believe that everyone that works with them from the senior to the junior employer has a right to learn, develop and to grow (Marie). According to them, training, learning and practicing has important roles to play in the in the development of their employees talent and in other for them to perform well they need to be thoroughly trained and also they need to rehearse their roles which lead to the establishment of the Disney university (Hand out). Disney University is believed to be a training process and Walt Disney makes sure that every new employee goes through a training process before starting in their new job and the training process is directed towards imparting knowledge about specific job skills, competencies and also ensures that the employee has a good understanding of the companys culture and tradition (Handout). Their training is based on developing the professional ability and the performance of their employee and they believe that the employees should be able to develop themselves and in turn develop others in the process (Marie). At the Disney University student receive complete orientation called Traditions, which includes an explanation of the companys values and traditions, on-the-job training, and procedures for advancement (Handout). Their employees are also provided with teachers who serve as mentors who has more experience and who can show the employees what should be done and what not to do (handout). The implementation of training in Walt Disney was to train their employees in other to develop their skills, knowledge and their ability and as a result, get the performance needed to be competitive and to sustain a competitive advantage by having the right employees (handout). Walt Disney sees training as the bases for Human resource and as a way of developing their business, their workers and also themselves (Marie). CONCLUSION Human resource development has an important role to play in the development of an employee and in the growth of an organization, by providing an organization with the proper employees who have undergone training and learning new skills in other to develop their skills, knowledge, abilities and their competencies Reference Armstrong, M. (2009) Armstrongs Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 9th edn, Kogan Page, London. Brumback, G.H (2003) Blending we/me in performance management [Electronic copy], Team performance management, Volume 8, Issue 7/8, Pg 167-173. Clardy, A. (2008) Human resource development and the resource based model of core competencies: Methods for diagnosis and assessment [Electronic copy], Human resource development review, Volume 7, Issue 4, Pg 387-407. Disneyland Paris (2010) Corporate responsibility [Accessed 05/04/2010]. Gibb, S. (2008) Human resource development: Processes, Practices and Perspectives, 2nd edn, Palgrave, New York. Heathfield, S.M. (2010) What is human resource development (HRD) [Accessed 27/03/2010]. Hunt, J.W, Baruch, Y. (2003) Developing top managers: the impact of interpersonal skills training, [Electronic copy]. Journal of Management Development, Volume 22, Issue 8, Page 729-752. Lasbleis, J.M. (2010) Training [Accessed 03/04/2010]. Mathis, R.L., Jackson, J.H (2003) Human resource management, 10th edn, Thomson, Ohio. Megginson, D., Banfield, P., Joy-Mathews, J. (1999) Human Resource development, 2nd edn, Kogan page, London. Mullins, L.J (2002) Management and organizational behaviour, 6th edn, Pearson education, Harlow. Philbeam, S., Corbridge, M. (2002) People resourcing: HRM in practice, 2nd edn, Pearson education, Harlow. Stensgaard, A.B (2007) Competence based training and Development,, [Accessed 29/03/2010]. Stewart, J., McGoldrick, J. (1996) Human resource development: Perspectives, strategies and practice, Pearson education, Harlow Swanson, A.R, Arnold, D.E (1996) The purpose of human resource development is to improve organizational performance, [Accessed 27/03/2010]. Swanson, R.A. () Human resource development: performance is the key [Accessed 27/03/2010]. Thomason, G. (2003) A text book of human resource management, institute of personal management, London. Torrington, D., Hall, L., Taylor, S (2005) Human resource management, 6th edn, Pearson education, Harlow. Willson, J.P. (2005) Human resource development: Learning and training for individuals and organizations, 2nd edn, Kogan page, London.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Study of Modern and Classical Fencing :: Expository Essays Research Papers

A Study of Modern and Classical Fencing Fencing is a method of personal expression and release. It is ultimatly a way of life for some. Nevertheless, this noble lifestyle is dying out. There are those who would convince others that classical fencing is a way of the past. In its place they would promote a sport that uses the same equipment and yet, is so different, that one cannot think of it in the same light. The controversy between these two poses the question "is Olympic fencing better than classical?"; A question that will require some research. According to information from the web document "The Worlds oldest Modern Sport," fencing as we know it was developed by the Egyptians sometime around 1200 BC. "The earliest depiction of a fencing match is a relief in the temple of Medin at Habu, near Luxor in Egypt, built by Ramses III about 1190 BC. This relief depicts a practice bout or match, because the sword points are covered and the swordsmen are parrying with shields strapped to their left arms and are wearing masks (tied to their wigs), large bibs, and padding over their ears" (Beumont). Swordsmanship, as a pastime and in single combat and war, was also practiced widely by the ancient Persians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans, as well as by some Germanic tribes. They used protective tips on their weapons and even a crude form of facial protection. This is depicted on a carving in Egypt, along with the fact that judges were used to score and oversee the matches. The author of "A History of Fencing" wrote that the Roman and Greek civilizations continued the fencing tradition with short swords. This continued until the fall of Rome in 476 AD. The barbarians who defeated Rome used crude heavy swords, which could break the lighter short swords. These massive weapons rendered smaller swords ineffective, and suppressed fencing for the time ("A history..."). An entry in "A Timeline of Fencing History" states that it wasn't until the 14th century AD that fencing made a comeback. Suprisingly it was the invention of gunpowder that marked the return of fencing swords. Gunpowder made heavy armor and swords obsolete ("The Worlds..."). Mobility became more important because firearms rendered the protection previously available through armor ineffective. Many officers and "gentlemen" then adopted the light rapier as a sidearm. Fencing quickly became the rage of the ages. Due to the sudden increase in the popularity of fencing, fencing guilds, such as the Marxbruder in Germany, sprang up across Europe ("A Timeline. A Study of Modern and Classical Fencing :: Expository Essays Research Papers A Study of Modern and Classical Fencing Fencing is a method of personal expression and release. It is ultimatly a way of life for some. Nevertheless, this noble lifestyle is dying out. There are those who would convince others that classical fencing is a way of the past. In its place they would promote a sport that uses the same equipment and yet, is so different, that one cannot think of it in the same light. The controversy between these two poses the question "is Olympic fencing better than classical?"; A question that will require some research. According to information from the web document "The Worlds oldest Modern Sport," fencing as we know it was developed by the Egyptians sometime around 1200 BC. "The earliest depiction of a fencing match is a relief in the temple of Medin at Habu, near Luxor in Egypt, built by Ramses III about 1190 BC. This relief depicts a practice bout or match, because the sword points are covered and the swordsmen are parrying with shields strapped to their left arms and are wearing masks (tied to their wigs), large bibs, and padding over their ears" (Beumont). Swordsmanship, as a pastime and in single combat and war, was also practiced widely by the ancient Persians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans, as well as by some Germanic tribes. They used protective tips on their weapons and even a crude form of facial protection. This is depicted on a carving in Egypt, along with the fact that judges were used to score and oversee the matches. The author of "A History of Fencing" wrote that the Roman and Greek civilizations continued the fencing tradition with short swords. This continued until the fall of Rome in 476 AD. The barbarians who defeated Rome used crude heavy swords, which could break the lighter short swords. These massive weapons rendered smaller swords ineffective, and suppressed fencing for the time ("A history..."). An entry in "A Timeline of Fencing History" states that it wasn't until the 14th century AD that fencing made a comeback. Suprisingly it was the invention of gunpowder that marked the return of fencing swords. Gunpowder made heavy armor and swords obsolete ("The Worlds..."). Mobility became more important because firearms rendered the protection previously available through armor ineffective. Many officers and "gentlemen" then adopted the light rapier as a sidearm. Fencing quickly became the rage of the ages. Due to the sudden increase in the popularity of fencing, fencing guilds, such as the Marxbruder in Germany, sprang up across Europe ("A Timeline.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

EDGAR ALLAN POE AND BREAST CANCER :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dealing with such a frightful disease like breast cancer can be very painful, being the love one of that unfortunate person can be just as painful. Edgar Allan Poe is an author best known for his tragic poetry and heart-wrenching tales of mystery. His past indicates that it had a huge impact on his life, contributing to his insanity. The enormous amount of tragedy that has surrounded Edgar Allan Poe, all his life, makes him a great candidate for writing a common love story struck by all the agonies of sudden death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With the loss of someone special in your life often comes that irreplaceable void, when losing them to a long-suffering battle like breast cancer, many tend to mourn uncontrollably which is normal. â€Å" Breast cancer is a frightening disease. It can be fatal and while two thirds of the cases among mature women. It also strikes younger females and nine thousand males each year â€Å" ( Landau 13). Many believe that cancer patients are the strongest persons alive, the loved ones try to be strong for them but eventually ends up losing there way.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this day and age Cancer has started become an epidemic. Doctors have diagnosed hundreds of different types of cancer which can strike at anytime. Soon everyone will suffer or will have suffered from this social problem. â€Å" Cancer is a general term used to indicate more than 100 separate diseases, but all marked by the common characterists of abnormal cell growth regulating mechanisms† ( Rodgers 14). Fortunately, with the advance in technology growing every day, many cancer diagnoses can be regulated or even cured with simple surgery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tragedy and pain are two things known all too well by poet Edgar Allan Poe. While he’d never suffered from any disease before he did from the severe feeling of loss. â€Å" Edgar Allan Poe as a young man at the age of twenty- seven, he married his cousin Virginia Clemm in 1836, she was only thirteen years old† ( Zachary 49). â€Å" Eliza Arnold Hopkins was a skilled actress who charmed theater audiences throughout the eastern United States. Sadly , she died at the age of twenty-four and left her son Edgar an orphan† (Ibid 10). In his lifetime Edgar Allan Poe lost almost all the women in his, from his Mother, Eliza Arnold Hopkins Poe, to his wife, Virginia Clemm Poe, who both died of tuberculosis.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Violence in the Media Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Violence in the Media      Ã‚  Ã‚   Gina Marchetti, in her essay "Action-Adventure as Ideology," argues that action- adventure films implicitly convey complex cultural messages regarding American values and the "white American status quo." She continues to say that all action-adventure movies have the same basic structure, including plot, theme, characterization, and iconography. As ideology, this film genre tacitly expresses social norms, values, and morals of its time. Marchetti's essay, written in 1989, applies to films such as Raiders of the Lost Ark and Rambo: First Blood II. However, action-adventure films today seem to be straying farther away from her generalizations about structure, reflecting new and different cultural norms in America. This changing ideology is depicted best in Oliver Stone's Natural Born Killers (1994), which defies nearly every concept Marchetti proposes about action-adventure films; and it sets the stage for a whole new viewpoint of action in the '90's.    Until recently, most action-adventure films, to some extent, fit Marchetti's general guidelines. In the case of iconography, she states that all action-adventure films are set in exotic locations, for example decaying temples or rainforests. Most modern American films, though, are set in American cities and towns in which much violence occurs. Natural Born Killers is filmed entirely in New Mexico, Arizona, and Illinois, with dry desert land forming most of the visual scenery. Why is America no longer as interested in exotic and foreign places? Perhaps the modern movies are more realistic, and therefore can solve real American social problems in the realm of fantasy.    In the case of characterization, Marchetti claims that the most st... ...sening up in this country, although not quite to the extreme as in Natural Born Killers. Despite the controversy caused by the assumed message that "killing is cool," there is important ideology embedded within the film. There is sanity within the insane. The film, in a sense, displays the consequences caused by the suppression of the inner, free soul. We've all seen instances of people "cracking" under the pressures of modern society. I'm not suggesting that we live like wild animals, but I do think that Natural Born Killers is an excellent movie which made a natural attempt to kill standard ideology.    Works Cited Natural Born Killers. Dir. Oliver Stone. With Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, and Robert Downy Jr. Warner Bros., 1994. Marchetti, Gina. Action-Adventure as Ideology. Cultural Politics in Contemporary America, 1989.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Raider’s of the Lost Ark and Film Violence Essay

Raider Buttons In his book, More Than a Movie: Ethics in Entertainment, F. Miguel Valenti examines nine â€Å"hot buttons† of violence – â€Å"creative elements that filmmakers use to manipulate viewers’ reactions to onscreen violence.† (99) These elements, posited by researchers conducting The National Television Violence Study (Valenti, 99) are â€Å"choice of perpetrator, choice of victim, presence of consequences, rewards and punishments, the reason for the violence, weapons, realism, use of humor, and prolonged exposure† (Valenti, 100) . Raiders of the Lost Ark is a violent, yet well loved film which would be interesting to examine in this light. In Raiders, the choice of perpetrator is our hero, Indiana Jones. We do not think of him as â€Å"a perpetrator†, he is â€Å"the good guy†, yet he is shown bringing about the demise of many people. Victims of violence can be portrayed as likeable, in which case the effect on the audience is to â€Å"increase fear and anxiety. If violence can happen to someone *like* me, it can also happen *to* me, they reason† (Valenti, 101), however, if â€Å"the victim is dissimilar to the viewer and NOT likable, the viewer can more easily either rationalize the violence or dismiss it because in some way the victim ‘got what he deserved’† (Valenti, 102). The victims in Raiders are Nazis, not â€Å"everyday Joes†, their characters are not individualized, or if they are, they are over-the-top evil, like Arnold Ernst Toht the sadistic and ruthless Nazi Gestapo agent (Raiders). Raiders is chockfull of weapons – knives, machetes, submachine guns, and firearms of all sorts. â€Å"Weapons – in most cases fi rearms of one sort or another – can trigger aggressive feelings in viewers and cause them to interpret a seemingly neutral situation as potentially threatening† (Valenti, 104). This is knowledge Steven Spielberg puts to good use in the scene in Raiders where a Nazi approaches the bound Marion ominously with a vile looking weapon in hand, viciously flicks it open †¦ and hangs his coat on the wooden hanger (Raiders). This leads us to the subject of humor in violent situations. â€Å"†¦humor strips violence of the moral outrage the viewer might otherwise feel. And if our hero can joke about the destruction he is causing, surely we can as well† (Valenti, 107). Indiana Jones is confronted by a large, sword wielding man and after watching his elaborate swordsmanship, Indiana tiredly pulls out his gun and drops him with one bullet – to the rousing cheers of the audience (Raiders). â€Å"Social scientists state that when violence is shown in context, complete with depictions of the pain and suffering caused by the violent acts, aggressive behavior in the viewer is inhibited†(Valenti, 102). â€Å"If a violent act is rewarded – through the perpetrator’s attaining his goal or ‘getting the girl,’ the likelihood of learning aggressive behavior is increased† (Valenti, 103). After Indiana Jones battles his way onto a ship, he’s so bruised he can’t move, so Marion, a beautiful woman, kisses the pain away. This is the only physical consequence we see Indie â€Å"suffer† (Raiders). In Raiders of The Lost Ark, the violence is abundant from beginning to end, – a death tally of 63 (allouttabubblegum) — but we accept it because it is always the â€Å"bad guy† getting hurt — a greedy guide is skewered by a bed of nails, a relentless thug is chopped by a plane propeller, and numerous Nazi s meet their comeuppance by having their faces melt off (Raiders). The violence is often gory and realistic. According to the study, the reason for the violence tends to affect the viewers’ response to the violence. â€Å"When a violent act is seen as unjustified, aggressive tendencies are reduced in the viewer† (Valenti, 103) – the â€Å"body count† of Raiders consists entirely of Nazis, baddies, and thugs, which would make the audience tend to feel less anxious, and thus according to Valenti, actually increase the viewers’ aggressive tendencies (103). If the existence of audience created websites such as The Incredible Melting Nazi (YouTube) posted in the â€Å"Comedy† section, can be used as evidence, there may be something to that. Works Cited ASHPD24. â€Å"(Indiana Jones And The) Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981): Body Count Breakdown.† WordPress, 31 January 2010. Web. 15 January 2013. Raiders of the Lost Ark. Dir. Spielberg, Steven. Paramount, 1982. Film. TheScarredLovers. â€Å"The Incredible Melting Nazi.† Tube, L.L.C., 23 May 2008. Web. 15 February 2013 Valenti, F. M. (2000). More Than a Movie. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Print.

Walmart Analysis

Company Information Sam Walton opened their first Walter store since July 2, 1962. â€Å"People think we got big by putting big stores In small towns. Really, we got big by replacing Inventory with information. † They opened their first store In Rogers, Arkansas. By 1967 they owned 24 stores and bringing In $12. 7 million In sales. By 1970 Walter went national. They also became a publicly trading company. In sass's the first Cam's Club opened and the first Walter Superstructure opened as well. It combines a supermarket and general merchandise all in one place.In sass's, Walter was named America's Top Retailer. They also opened their first Cam's Club in Mexico City in 1991. Sam Walton passed away in 1992 at age 74. By that time, Walter employed 371,000 associates In 1,928 stores and clubs. In 1993, they hit their first $1 million mark in sales. Between 1994 and 1998, Walter opened stores in China, United Kingdom, and bought Wolcott 122 stores in Canada. (www. Walter. Com) By 20 14, Walter employs 2. 2 associates at more than 1 1 ,OHO stores worldwide. At this time it serves over 200 million customers.Walter's earnings per share Increased 10. 6 % to $5. 02. They had an Dalton of $22 billion In net sales, and they are now a $466 billion company. They SOOT Strengths Wide range of products International operations Cost leadership strategy Weaknesses Labor related lawsuits High employee turnover Negative publicity Opportunities Trends towards healthy eating Retail market growth Online shopping growth Threats Resistance from communities Rising prices Gap Analysis Walter has had to face several labor related lawsuits every year. They cost the company millions of dollars.The company is criticized for poor work conditions, low ages, unpaid overtime work and female discrimination. It also suffers from high employee turnover. It Increases the company's cost because they have to do a lot of training of new employees. I think the reason for the high turnover is because they have low skilled and poorly paid Jobs. These two gaps are best filled by training needs. I think management needs a better training assessment for their employees. Walter does have a lot of stores order to keep employees, I think they need a better training program.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Learning Not Litigating Essay

Introduction: With the average age of working employees increasing, the amount of people covered under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) has also grown. With the rise in workers over the age of 40, there has been some indiscretion in regards to the training or lack of training made available to this group. This paper gives an in depth analysis of the findings of Todd J. Maurer and Nancy E. Rafuse in their article Learning, not litigating: Managing employee development and avoiding claims of age discrimination. The article addresses ways to avoid lack of training by creating an environment conducive to continuous learning which promotes employee growth and add value to the employer. The ways older workers have been denied and discouraged from training is explained as well as how the legal ramifications of these actions could hurt an organization. Because of the potential prevalence of age related discrimination, the definitions of terms, conditions and privileges of employment have been defined and may become increasingly actionable. Maurer and Rafuse detail how age discrimination can be avoided in training and development practices. Bringing change and evolution to and organization’s training practices through the use of top-down management training in an attempt to change culture and policies, decisions about who is trained, the supervision of development and bringing awareness to the potential effects of stereotypes. Topic Discussion: Training and Development Opportunities Are Increasingly Important to Today’s Workers Training and developmental activities are of paramount importance when it comes to keeping a company’s workforce competent. For this reason it is important to not only implement training but to also vary the training exercised as there are many forms and people learn in different ways. A few examples listed by Maurer and Rafuse include (but are not limited to) correspondence courses, independent reading, viewing videotapes, technology-based training, job rotation, special committees, and coaching (Maurer & Rafuse, 111). Training becomes important to the older workforce as technological advances occur as well as other innovations alter the way that businesses operate. Because of the ever-changing workplace it is necessary for employees to receive training so that they may adapt and thrive in their working environments. It is not a lack of ability or ignorance to change that is hurting the aging population, it is a lack of employer-provided training that can prevent the growth and progression of an employee. This is why continuous learning has become a prominent factor in the careers of older workers. As business practices change the way an organization operates, the organization needs to increase the amount of training offered to its employees. If there is innovation in business practices then there needs to be innovation in training. In the text Employee Training and Development, Raymond A. Noe discusses Nokia and its definition of continuous learning and how it means that employers support employees’ growth by providing them with the opportunity to develop themselves and to stay technologically current (Noe, 53). This type of environment, especially in a telecommunications company, is important to not only employee growth but also to company growth as the more employees who possess skill and knowledge will likely increase positive performance. The promotion of learning, not the discouragement of learning, will support the aging population and give them the tools necessary to succeed in the workplace bringing about commitment and prosperity to the organization (Noe, 53). Continuous training and learning need to be implemented because the workplace environment has evolved. Maurer and Rafuse allude to this by stating, â€Å"While mid- and late-career stages used to be viewed as periods of maintenance in which workers could avoid learning many new things, most workers now need to continuously learn and adapt† (Maurer & Rafuse, 112). Employees no longer have the ability to simply use what they know until they retire; employees are required to constantly experience gains in knowledge and skill to competitive and productive. The workplace is always changing and brings new challenges which increase the competition for jobs as employers want more knowledgeable and experienced employees. For this reason effectively using the aging workers by combining experience with new skills is in the best interest for organizations (Maurer & Rafuse, 113). Older workers denied access to training Not involving older workers, by failing to nominate, select, or inform them of opportunities to partake in training or development can be seen as a form of discrimination. While there is little documentation on this subject, published articles and literature have suggested that decision makers, whether that be an employee’s manager or a member of human resources, may deny additional training to older workers based on the idea that older workers cannot learn or do not want to learn. Also, if it is believed that an older worker will retire soon, decision makers may be unwilling to provide training to this employee under the assumption that it will reduce the company’s returns on investments. In a study completed by the Department of Labor, 55-64 year old workers are only 1/3 as likely to complete training as their 35-44 year old co-workers (Maurer & Rafuse, 113). In general, organizations that do not place a high value on their older employees do not have active policies or programs in place to advance or develop these employees (Armstrong-Stassen, & Cattaneo). Fewer job growth opportunities are given to older workers as well. Instead of being given job opportunities that are complex, that promote acquiring new skills and learning about different jobs, or that include status or location changes, older workers may be given routine job assignments. While it is difficult to analyze whether this may be a result of discriminatory treatment, the combination of a denial of training and comparatively different treatment of younger works (ex: younger workers receive training while older workers are denied the same training) can be legally supported as age discrimination. Because of the company’s failure to provide training to an older worker, this can result in that employee being denied promotions, being terminated, or being demoted (Maurer & Rafuse, 112-113). It is important to keep in mind that employers are not required to provide training to older workers if systems (computer systems or machinery) have been upgraded – ‘If younger employees adapt without training, then older workers must also’ (Maurer & Rafuse, 113). Older workers discouraged from training A less obvious form of discrimination would be the discouragement or lack of support for older workers to receive training and development opportunities, which can negatively affect terms, conditions, or privileges of employment or the status of an employee. The idea that people change in unfavorable ways with age is a belief held by various individuals, and this belief can affect the perceived ability of older employees’ learning abilities in the regards to the workplace (Maurer & Rafuse, 113). Employees aged 50 and older where described as being ‘inflexible, averse to change, and resistant to learning and understanding new technologies’ in a survey featuring HR executives as the respondents (Maurer & Rafuse, 114). Organization behavior literature has suggested that negative stereotypes may indirectly affect the behavior of older workers by influencing their ideas of what is normal aging behavior; this can lead to older workers conforming to the expectations set by negative stereotypes. In a recent study, regression analysis reaffirmed that older workers who hold greater beliefs that fellow older workers lack the ability and/or desire to further develop their job knowledge or skills are also less likely to have any interest in receiving any training and development activities themselves (Maurer, et all, 15). The more that older workers are exposed to these negative stereotypes and/or perceived discrimination can reduce older workers’ self-confidence, pursuit of learning, self-esteem, personal control, job involvement, and job satisfaction. Within a legal context, the more subtle types of discrimination such as exposure to stereotypes, lack of encouragement and motivation, and lack of access to training and development opportunities are likely to be seen as hostile-environment or constrictive-discharge claims. Since hostile-environment claims require severe and pervasive harassment and constructive discharge claims require that working conditions are so intolerable that a reasonable person would resign, it is difficult to take action against subtle forms of age discrimination in regards to training and development in court (Maurer & Rafuse, 115). What will be Legally Actionable in the Future? Age-related effects on training and development opportunities could become increasingly actionable based on how the courts have defined the terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. In the future, training and development opportunities may become more closely related with job opportunities including promotions, demotions, hiring, transfers, and reductions in the work force. This means that training and development may become the variable that determines an employee’s success or failure (termination) within the workplace. Denying or discouraging older workers access to training or development opportunities would then been seen as more ‘severe’ or ‘intolerable,’ which would lead to more legally actionable hostile-environment and constructive-discharge claims (Maurer & Rafuse, 115). Avoiding Age Discrimination Avoiding age discrimination in the allocation of training and development opportunities is not unlike other forms of discrimination. The best solution is to implement and follow human resource policies that mandate the use of job relevant criteria for decision making. It has also been shown that these same policies can increase the motivation to participate in learning by the workforce (Maurer & Rafuse, 116). There are four major areas in which managers need to evaluate their susceptibility to age discrimination litigation: culture and policies, decisions about training and development, supervision and support, and training managers on ADEA and the effects of stereotypes (Maurer & Rafuse, 116). Within these areas, it is important to focus on differences in access and encouragement. Culture and Policies Opportunities within a company must not be distributed based on anything except job related criteria. By establishing policies that avoid discrimination, a company’s culture will reflect those values. First, human resource policies should specifically state that all decision must be free of discrimination including age biases. These policies must be in plain language and available to all employees. In addition, current policies must be evaluated to ensure there is no intentional or unintentional age discrimination. This examination will help avoid disparate treatment and impact. Culturally, managers must take an active role in disseminating information about opportunities and not rely on informal communication channels. One way to avoid discrimination is to encourage all employees to take part in training, job assignments and job rotations (Maurer & Rafuse, 117). Training & Development Decisions The decision making process for allocating the limited training and development opportunities must be established and described in policy. This will guide managers in making lawful choices. The focus should be on job and task related factors which are best for the company and the most defensible (Maurer & Rafuse, 117). Companies cannot allow managers to give vague reasons for their training decisions because it may be based on stereotypes and ageist assumptions. Often, older employees are thought to fear new technology and cannot learn new skills (Noe, 461-465). A good policy to implement is to ask for self-nominations when it is possible. This will help managers identify motivated employees and provide justification if it is later needed (Maurer & Rafuse, 117). All final decisions to determine which employee should receive training and development resources should be based on who has the ability to benefit from the additional investments. Valid selection and training HR practices not only benefit employee self-efficacy but also the company’s performance from the macro perspective. Research has shown that a company’s performance can significantly change, even within a single year, with job- related selection and training systems (Iddekinge, 2009). There should also be a monitoring and audits of all training decisions to ensure fair distribution. It is illegal to discriminate against women, minorities and people over 40 years old. However, ageist practices tend to do not have the same stigma that workplace racism or sexism carries (Maurer & Rafuse, 117). Supervision and Support Developmental Relationships Beyond having policies that layout proper training and development protocol, managers need to recognize the importance of supporting and encouraging all employees equally. Companies might consider making managers responsible for meeting training and development involvement goals (Maurer & Rafuse, 118). Higher level managers should be receiving feedback from employees on the status of their development needs. This could be used as part of an evaluation that measures a manager’s effectiveness (Maurer & Rafuse, 118). Having open channels of communication between managers and subordinates is necessary to ensure no one feels left behind. Managers can use performance evaluations to encourage more training, get feedback and set goals for career development. Older workers feeling or becoming obsolete because of a lack in development and training can lead to poor performance. Part of the career development plan can be an introduction to new technologies as they become part of the required skills (Noe, 461-465). One factor that managers can use with resource allocation to older workers is plans for retirement if communicated by the employee (Maurer & Rafuse, 117). To further open communication channels and increase opportunities, companies can offer access to careers counselors and programs such as mentoring, apprenticeships and learning networks (Maurer & Rafuse, 118). Train Managers on ADEA The final step in avoiding age discrimination and possible litigation is to train managers and employees on The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). It would be a good investment for companies to hold training sessions on age-related stereotypes and discrimination regularly (Maurer & Rafuse, 118). There should be a strong emphasis on how stereotypes can affect managerial judgments. These trainings can be extended to employees and new hire orientations to avoid an ageist jokes and criticism which can create a hostile work environment. These sessions are a good time to reinforce a zero-tolerance discrimination policy and by doing so can portray a good faith effort which can help limit liability during litigation. Overall, managers need to understand that older workers are as differentiated and diverse as any other group. Their abilities and motivation to continuously learn and develop vary by the individual. Managers cannot assume retirement age or fail to see an older worker’s ability to grow and be a good investment for the company. Class Questions: * Can anyone think of new technology that can improve or promote employing training and development? * Can you think of ways to encourage, instead of discourage, older workers to take advantage of learning and development opportunities? * What are possible unintentional ageist assumptions in the workplace? Bibliography: Iddekinge, Chad. â€Å"Effects of Selection and Training on Unit-Level Performance.† Journal of Applied Psychology. 94.4 (2009): 829-843. Print. Marjorie Armstrong-Stassen, & Cattaneo, J. (2010). The effect of downsizing on organizational practices targeting older workers. The Journal of Management Development, 29(4), 344-363. doi: Maurer, Todd J., and Nancy E. Rafuse. â€Å"Learning, Not Litigating: Managing Employee Development And Avoiding Claims Of Age Discrimination.† Academy Of Management Executive 15.4 (2001): 110-121. Business Source Premier. Web. 9 Oct. 2012. Noe, R. A.. Employee Training & Development. . 4th. New York, NY: Irwin Professional Pub, 2008. 461-465. Print. Todd J. Maurer, Frank G. Barbeite, Elizabeth M. Weiss, Michael Lippstreu, (2008),†New measures of stereotypical beliefs about older workers’ ability and desire for development: Exploration among employees age 40 and over†, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 23 Iss: 4 pp. 395 – 418 United State Senate: Special Committee on Aging. (2011). Retrieved from website:

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Performance Enhancing Drugs Trends Solutions Health And Social Care Essay

Everyone one is making it, in one signifier or another. Everyone is utilizing some type of performance-enhancing drug. That cup of java most people need to do it out of the front door each forenoon is because of the caffeine in the java. That bottle of Cola or energy drink invariably in the custodies of college pupils is non merely for thirst extinction. It is besides for the excess small jar of energy provided by caffeine and other stimulations in the drink so they can remain focussed and watchful during a peculiarly deadening category. These are slightly benign illustrations of performance-enhancing drug usage ; nevertheless, other utilizations are non so harmless. Most people want to be the best, whether it is hiting the most points in a ballgame or accomplishing the highest mark on a college entryway test. Performance-enhancing drugs may assist to present the coveted consequences. Performance-enhancing drug usage is so prevailing today because winning and being the best are more of import than personal unity and just drama. Performance-enhancing drugs are substances that aid in public presentation, energy, or work to supply an advantage over oppositions ( Fernandez & A ; Hosey, 2009 ) . Harmonizing to Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray ( 2009 ) , â€Å" ergogenic is to bring forth energy or work ; to boot, it refers to drugs or other methods designed to heighten the public presentation of an jock † ( p. 394 ) . Athletes have used these drugs in assorted signifiers for centuries. As stated by Hart, Ksir, and Ray ( 2009 ) , certain Olympic jocks consumed plant-based substances with stimulant-like effects to accomplish a competitory border ( p. 392 ) . In add-on, athletes perchance used Strychnine, a cardinal nervous system stimulation in low doses, during the 19th and twentieth centuries ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 392 ) . However, since Strychnine is a really effectual toxicant for gnawers, users had to be really careful with the dose ; an overdose could take to ictuss and finally to decease ( Hart, Ksir , & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 392 ) . In fact, Thornton ( 2009 ) claimed that in 1904 Olympic endurance contest smuggler, Thomas J. Hicks won because of this early doping pattern. Furthermore, the populace was non upset about his unjust advantage but the fact that other rivals did non hold similar advantages available to them. Hicks ‘s triumph and subsequent prostration was non the first incidence to get down the treatment of performance-enhancing drugs in athleticss. That happened in 1895 when the New York Times suggested stimulations had no topographic point in featuring events ( Thornton, 2009 ) . In add-on, cocaine besides has as a history as a public presentation assistance during the nineteenth century ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 393 ) . Although some people do non see cocaine an ergogenic agent, it can supply some energy and increase assurance slightly in a short-run athletic public presentation. Harmonizing to Thornton ( 2009 ) , â€Å" As organized sports evolved in the 1800s, there were histories of swimmers and bicyclers imbibing cocaine quinine waters before and during races † ( para.11 ) . In fact, the mastication of the coca works for energy has been a portion of certain civilizations for centuries ( Thornton, 2009 ) . Historically, because of its mild stimulating actions, caffeine like cocaine is a performance-enhancing drug. Hart, Ksir, and Ray ( 2009 ) suggested rivals put pure caffeine in their drinks or consumed it orally in pill signifier ( p. 393 ) . Furthermore, pep pills became the public presentation sweetening of pick during the mid-nineteen 100s. It produced greater consequences than caffeine, the effects of the drug lasted longer than cocaine ‘s effects, and it was a safer option to strychnine. Amphetamine usage in athleticss reached international graduated table doing prostration and decease of some users ; ensuing in antidoping Torahs in France and Belgium ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 394 ) . Even now, the most often misused stimulations in athleticss are pep pills, caffeine, and cocaine. Stimulations have proven to lengthen endurance by detaining weariness. Small admiration jocks choose to put on the line their wellness for that little addition ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . That little addition comes with a monetary value ; nevertheless, the side effects with pep pills and cocaine are many. The unpleasant reactions to these drugs may include confusion, paranoia, and hallucinations. Heart irregularities, high blood pressure, and prostration are besides inauspicious effects of pep pills and cocaine ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . Both drugs are Schedule II substances with high psychological dependance potency ( U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, 2004 ) . Caffeine as a drug can besides increase endurance and lessen weariness therefore it is a public presentation supporter. Since caffeine is of course portion of so many nutrients and drinks consumed worldwide, that many see it of small concern unless the sums are extremely big ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . However, it does hold some harmful side effects, with jitteriness and insomnia being the most prevailing. Caffeine can besides do decease if the sum is big plenty ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . When discoursing stimulations, ephedrine has its topographic point in this group of substances. This drug comes from the mom huang works, ephedra. It is medically use to handle diseases of the lungs including asthma. It is used in the competitory universe of athleticss for it ergogenic belongingss of increased energy. It is associated with bettering watchfulness and helping in weight loss ( D. , 2009 ) . The unpleasant reactions to ephedrine are high blood pressure, irregular pulse, and perchance stroke. Because of these awful side effects of ephedrine, the United States authorities outlawed it in 2004 ( Fernandez & A ; Hosey, 2009 ) . Furthermore, some stimulations can help in bettering cognitive maps. For case, Ritalin, Benzedrine, Adderall, and Dexedrine offer improved concentration and mental public presentation. These drugs are normally associated with attending shortage hyperactivity upset, ADHD, as a class of intervention. It is a well-documented fact that college pupils take these drugs for the competitory advantage they offers ( Good, 2010 ) . Students are non the lone people taking these drugs on college campuses. As quoted in DeNoon, â€Å" In academe, we know that a figure of our scientific co-workers in the United States and the United Kingdom already use [ Provigil ] to antagonize the consequences of jetlag, to heighten productiveness or mental energy, or to cover with demanding and of import rational challenges † ( 2008 ) . Presently, the most abused performance-enhancing drugs of pick are steroids. Anabolic steroids are man-made substances related to the male sex endocrine testosterone. The performance-enhancing result of steroid usage consists of elevated organic structure weight and thin musculus mass with an addition in strength ( Jarvi, 2004 ) . Testosterone is responsible for the growing of skeletal musculuss and male sexual development in males and females. Specifically, the testicles in work forces and the ovaries in adult females and other tissues produce the endocrine. These steroids belong to the anabolic-androgenic category of drugs. The anabolic constituent AIDSs in edifice tissue. The androgenic portion promotes masculine traits experienced in male childs throughout pubescence ( Steroid Abuse in Today ‘s Society: A Guide for Understanding Steroids and Related Substances, 2004 ) . Anabolic steroids came approximately in the late 1930 chiefly to handle powerlessness, delayed pubescence, or hypogonadism, a status in which the testicles do non bring forth adequate testosterone for normal sexual development. Other medical cases in which patients can profit from anabolic steroids are terrible Burnss, malignant neoplastic disease, acquired immune lack syndrome, and terrible injury. When discovered that these drugs could besides assist the growing of musculuss in healthy people, it was non long before muscle builders ; weightlifter and other jocks began mistreating anabolic steroids ( National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2006 ) . However, prior to this some states administered testosterone to their Olympic jocks to derive a competitory advantage. Reportedly, work forces and adult females received highly high doses ensuing in negative side effects to the participants ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 395 ) . Anabolic steroids are consumed orally or by injection. The most normally used unwritten steroids are Anadrol, Oxandrin, Dianabol, and Winstrol. The most used injected drugs are Deca-Durabolin, Durobolin, Depo-Testosterone, and Equipoise ( National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2006 ) . The physical side effects consist of liver upsets, high blood pressure, high-blood cholesterin degrees, and other unwanted medical conditions including decease. Additionally, when these substances are overly abused work forces may see expansion of the chests and prostate, shrinking of the testiss, and asepsis. Women, on the other manus, may endure sterility, increased facial hair, deepened voice, smaller chests, and other irreversible male-like features ( Steroid maltreatment in today ‘s society: A usher for understanding steroids and related substances, 2004 ) . Regardless of these deductions, anabolic steroids in adult females are going popular drugs. Why would adult females set themselves at such hazards? That supermodel organic structure is the reply. Women and immature misss are cognizant of what society in general expect of them. They must be thin, yet shapely. By using illicit steroids, these immature adult females can lose the fat but maintain the musculus tone that is so of import in stand foring a tight and fit organic structure. They merely experience better about themselves and they recognition the anabolic steroids with doing all these things happen ( Henry, 2007 ) . Furthermore, utmost anabolic steroid usage can do psychological harm every bit good. Behavior alteration may include more aggressiveness, possible delusional episodes, and depression. The hazards involved with the continual usage of anabolic steroids and the cravings for the drugs suggest dependence is a possibility ( National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2006 ) . Consequently, anabolic steroids became a Schedule III drug. As such, all informations related these drugs must be faultless and prescriptions are restricted ( Steroid maltreatment in today ‘s society: A usher for understanding steroids and related substances, 2004 ) . Nevertheless, of class, those who want them can buy them illegitimately on the black market merely like other illegal drugs. Then there is Tetrahydrogestrinone, better known as THG. This peculiar anabolic steroid behaves like testosterone inside the organic structure. THG is a man-made drug that was really developed by Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative or BALCO so rivals can avoid sensing when tested for steroids before competition. This drug may increase musculus strength and promote musculus growing, which is why jocks choose to utilize it. The side effectives are similar to the negative side of effects of natural steroids ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p.395 ) . THG is a Agenda I controlled drugs because of its high potency for maltreatment and it has no echt medical usage ( D. , 2009 ) . Another â€Å" interior decorator † steroid called Androstenedione or Andro is created from of course happening steroid endocrines in the organic structure. Andro entered the scene as a dietetic addendum and a merchandise to cut down the effects of aging. Once consumed, the addendum becomes testosterone in the organic structure ; ensuing in ergogenic alterations and negative side effects comparable to anabolic steroids. The Federal Drug Administration banned it in 2004, except for medical intents because of its utmost â€Å" anabolic and androgenic effects † ( Fernandez & A ; Hosey, 2009 ) . Despite the negative side effects, this peculiar addendum became really popular after Mark McGwire admitted to utilizing it during his chase of the homerun rubric ( D. , 2009 ) . Human growing endocrine or HGH is another public presentation foil. This peculiar endocrine is secreted by the pituitary secretory organ ; and as such, muscle addition can be achieved without the androgenic or masculinizing consequence of anabolic steroids. The medical community usage HGH to help kids with growing issues. HGH provides public presentation heightening qualities because its ergogenic ability. It may do a decrease in organic structure fat and an addition in musculus mass. A few of the negative effects of inordinate usage include going excessively big or tall, high blood force per unit area, sightlessness, and perchance type-2 diabetes. HGH is a prohibited drug in competitory athleticss ; nevertheless, athletes seek it out because there is no dependable proving available to observe the of course happening endocrine ( Zeigler, 2010 ) . Furthermore, Erythropoietin besides called EPO is deriving popularity as a public presentation foil. It is a of course endocrine produced by the kidneys to help in making more ruddy blood cells ; this would decidedly bespeak echt medical intervention for anemia-related conditions ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . The procedure is slightly drawn-out, with the remotion of blood from the jock, which is stored so re-introduced back inside the organic structure merely yearss before a competition ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . Of class, the organic structure of course rebuilds the blood making more viscousness once the removed blood is reintroduced to the organic structure with an appreciative alteration in endurance ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . The consequence is more oxygen-rich blood. A twosome of the unpleasant side effects are high blood pressure and possible curdling of the blood that could take to several serious conditions including decease ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . Blood doping delive rs comparable consequences ; it involves transfusions of the jock ‘s ain blood right before an event ( Fernandez & A ; Hosey, 2009 ) Peoples use many prescription drugs as public presentation supporters every bit good. Most perceptibly is Clenbuterol, a beta-2 agonist. Clenbuterol, besides know n as Clen, is a bronchodilator that belongs to the category of drugs that treat asthma and other pneumonic diseases of the lungs. However, it is non approved for human usage in the United States ; it is normally used in other states ( U.S. Department of Justice: Drug Enforcement Administration, 2009 ) . Because of the drugs ability in cut downing organic structure fat and increasing thin musculuss, it is a favourite of bodybuilding jocks ( Quinn, 2010 ) . Here once more, adult females are more likely to utilize Clen because it does non bring forth the masculine like effects of anabolic steroids and its possible to increase weight loss ( Quinn, 2010 ) . Clen is presently non a controlled substance but it does hold some inauspicious side effects. These side effects include cardiovascular issues and jitteriness. Additionally, Clen is one of the banned substances by bureaus involved in competitory athleticss ( U.S. Department of Justice: Drug Enforcement Administration, 2009 ) . Nutritional dietetic addendums have ergogenic belongingss as good. Creatine is one such addendum sold lawfully in the United States ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 403 ) . Surveies have confirmed that Creatine produces consequences desired by most jocks, increased strength and greater velocity ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 403 ) . The inauspicious effects of excess lbs and cramping are minor compared to other public presentation heightening drugs ( Fernandez & A ; Hosey, 2009 ) . In decision, performance-enhancing drug usage is so prevailing today because winning and being the best are more of import than personal unity and just drama. It seems like weekly the public learns of some star athlete rip offing with performance-enhancing drugs or addendums. Society should be concerned about the message this is directing to immature, waxy kids. The competitory universe of athleticss is seeking to turn to this job with assorted proving processs and stiff punishments for those who violate when they use these substances. Schools have to be more proactive with plans in topographic point to educate pupils about the injury caused by performance-enhancing drug usage and maltreatment. Children and immature grownups besides need to understand how of import personal unity and just drama are in all countries, non merely athleticss. Many are really willing to put on the line their wellness or even their lives merely to come out on top. Many are willing to throw away old ages of difficult work for that alleged 15 proceedingss of celebrity. Marion Jones is the perfect illustration non to utilize banned or illicit public presentation boosting substances. She had it all ; so lost everything, the five Olympic Gold Medals, and her freedom for six months ( D. , 2009 ) . The enticement of moneymaking endorsement trades and indignations wages is more of an inducement to rip off than just drama. Conversely, the competition for athletic and academic scholarships does non promote much honestness either. However, boundaries must use across all subjects to eliminate the maltreatment of performance-enhancing drugs.